Here we have something really good, and if you read white paper in dept you'll realize this is complete product and working well. What else do you need?
Return of investments?
Wait for a while it is still early, when you invest in gold for example you need to wait years.
Some members are spoiled and expects to become rich over night!
What you talking about? Over night? Many people wait for years in Cloak, but the development team has not been able to achieve strong growth. Even the previous version of the POSA3 wallet release has caused the price increase to 55k sat. Phoenix wallet release has caused the price drops to 14k!
That the development team is to blame for not being able to raise the price of CLOAK, is the biggest stupidity I've read in a long time.
CLOAK team have done an exceptional job and we should all be grateful.
I think it is even good that the price of CLOAK is cheap (you have to drop ballast before the climb).
We have a coin with a unique technology and that will pay off.