Cashman is still there and our teamleader.
Main developer is also still there.
"who the fuck is alice_bob" - I am a bagholder and helped the team with some technical tasks in the past. now we decided that i will care about further public relationships.
I want remember to one thing. Around 2 years ago, many of us was in the situation, that your investment has seem to be lost forever. some bagholders created a new team and put much work in cloakcoin and realeased a wallet with working posa3 which is able to make anonymous transactions. not everything is perfect, but they was able to reach an very important milestone for us and therefor we should keep being respectfull to each other. after a while things grinding-in and sometimes you lost your focus, but hey, you see, the team and also cashman are flexible and able to make a change.
i think we can say that the most work is done, we must tweak some points but this can be sayed about most applications. we must bring cloak over the finish line now.
up to yesturday i was organizing the project.
currently we work on a compare-sheet about all anoncoins. when its ready we post it here first. its interesting to see. its also impartant that you validate the sheet, i dont want release misleading information.
we also work on the pr article, when its ready we optimize website pagespeed and start pr with cryptocompare
if we will be able, i would like to continue pr on deepdotweb, cointelegraph, newsbtc, btc-echo, coinmarketcap.
one user told/promised us 2 days ago the will try to bring us to poloniex.
Community, if you think it make sense to get added on an exchange, please tell us. we will try.
we also will bring chinese version online and try to get in contact with:
we also want to try to get added to coingateways, casinos, growshops, headshops and seedshops. (maybe we can start with a growshop in austria)
markets, but before we must be open source a while.
maybe some users want to help us with editing wikipedia, cryptopedia, spread cloak to other boards, social media,...
Have a nice day, would be nice to get some help