Nice job!
I get 100CRN for this right?
wallet: FFExZoqyH2kBiwMvr8JL5mmaH8uQJGG74p
Just started mining this coin, looks very promising!
Gagohul won the 100 CRN bonus. I would love to give a 100 CRN bonus to every block finder but unfortunately it is just not possible. Each block only contains 33 coins and I am not charging any fees for the pool so I am paying these bonuses out of my pocket. If I gave 100 for every block I would have more going out than coming in. I will keep offering these bonuses periodically but it just can't be for every block. I appreciate you contributing though and I will send you some coins.
Gagohul your bonus has been sent.
Everyone else:
I have some huge contest-style giveaways planned but I need a lot more participation in order for it to make sense to announce them. I won't say what it is because I don't want people showing up just for that reason and then leaving. I will announce it when I see steady growth of the pool. I will say a few things though:
-It is not CRN or any other cryptocurrency.
-It has value right now, not based on speculation or the success of anything related to mining.
-To my knowledge it is worth more than any other pool, for any coin, has ever given away.
-People that are mining before it is announced will have an advantage.
-Having the highest hashrate will increase odds but will not guarantee a win. Even the lowest hashrate will have a chance of winning, especially if you start mining before everyone else.
-I am already in possession of what I am going to give away for the first contest. This is going to happen, it is just a matter of when. That is up to you guys mostly.
On another note, there are still 7 spots left for people to lock in 0% fees forever. Eventually it will go to the standard 1.5% but it will be 0% for a while still even after this promo ends.
Come and mine with us and you will not regret it. I know everyone likes to go with the heard and it certainly does make the most sense for instant earnings. The official pool is where its at for that but for reasons other than just letting 1 pool have over 51% of the net hashrate, it will make sense to mine at All it takes is for a few people to start it off and then people will follow. C3ALL came over the other day with his very nice hashing power and many followed. We need more people like C3ALL that are willing to get it started. If you guys make this blow up, I will make it the most exciting and rewarding place to mine, that's a promise!