
Topic: [ANN][CRW] CROWN (SHA256) | Platform | Governance | Systemnodes | Masternodes | - page 143. (Read 317079 times)

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
I'm not sure if this will be helpful for people but here are some sample conf files:

Crown.conf local wallet


Crown.conf remote wallet (example for first throne in list)


Throne.conf (local wallet)

Throne1 5KK4tLbqz2mZyUpQhoaNvL5TSHYGF1vhmRNx8h8BazcgJLRjXh a4a5d29da5f2f5208514a4a9450c28f5d96fd7917ac5c45218af216595d58071 1
Throne2 5J3Uw64ouFud2Yg6qhqDuQ5LBLbXELEuNKmqskxGEup6ZD6P6W a7897d4f08c357d19b7c01357857fdbebcdd9299b6f41cff4688b31b0445831c 0
Throne3 5KdAd4Bib1fBW1UG5G3BjyCG4g8Vr6XGLWNBVfeb1a5GFSj2BZ b23c58050eb56818c85eeef2e97fa56e152d41ff1ff0054215eba73235d273c3 0
Throne4 5KNr6WTaizCTfKhDU3DaZNoxFfMNZki4y62gqyDNSGJCAwVg8o b32ed6918604410d1d4bfd1dcb8c8f8fec25a6aa09704c68983d1f69f842fa16 1
Throne5 5KAg49oGwUc1Tms6UBmePbY1NYcVnZ7qx1j4wsmNvW87qaX7uN bad5dd4c72949e51ebb5651f25e5a351e7912ca6156b6937603c474d41f7141a 1

Format for Throne.conf is Throne Name ¦ IP:port ¦ ThroneKey ¦ 10k vout ¦ tx input
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
Hot Throne: All the coins are stored in a wallet stored on the throne disk, No second machine required for this setup.
Hot/Cold Node: The throne itself has an empty wallet. The 10.000 CRW  are stored on a second machine. The second machine only needs to run to send out the "throne start" command and then it can be closed. essentially keeping your coins offline

The fix will be merged to master at some point but we're waiting for the network to stabilize, Some of our scripts are based off of master, so services get automatically updated when we push to the master repo.

Thanks for pointing this out. This was very helpful. Now I need to rethink my setup and probably change some minor things before I get ready to set this properly up.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
I still haven't had much luck in setting up a throne, I can't quite pinpoint why this is the case. I'm using ubuntu 16.10 and following the guide exactly. when I type throne list in debug console it shows up as enabled. However, when I type ./crown-cli getinfo in putty, it shows a 0 balance. looking through the block explorer it shows the throne has exactly 10000 crw associated with it.

If the throne is showing up in the list and crown-cli throne status shows the node is running just be patient, the rewards will come into your controller wallet with the 10000 coins in it.

How long would this take? I waited hours then typed ./crown-cli getinfo and it still shows a 0 balance. It shows up initially in the list then disappears after a period of time, I can only assume because it boots the node because it doesn't see 10000 crw attributed to it.

If your using the .10 guide from the OP, it tells you to set up hot and cold wallets.
The hot wallet(VPS) never has coins in it, the cold wallet (windows) is where your coins are stored.
Keep entering the start command.

never spam the start command as that could result in getting your node banned, you should be running a hot/cold node setup. the hot node contains the 10000 coins for the throne, as well as a throne.conf with the information in it pointing toward your cold node. The throne private keys from both the hot and cold node MUST match or your start command will not start your cold node.

When you start your cold node with

and type "crown-cli throne status" you should see that the node is waiting for remote activation.
On your hot node setup your throne.conf using the example in that file. wait for the 15 confirmations to start your throne. then restart your hot node. and send the command to start your cold node.
when you use the throne.conf with a QT based wallet you should see a throne manager tab, which will give you access to all of the nodes in the throne.conf

I've folowed these guidelines without success. The cold node cannot communicste with the hot node. it initially shows as enabled then becomes missing before accepting payment as the hot node shows a 0 balance. Private keys are identical. Maybe the hot node's conf file is in the wrong spot?  I've tried sething it up a dozen times now

What time zone are you in? Let's set a time to chat (Skype, alack etc) to get this solved.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
the wallet synchronous take very long time!
maybe, support zip file for history blocks more kindly for user!

Can you help us by stating which wallet and how long it takes? Thanks
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
the wallet synchronous take very long time!
maybe, support zip file for history blocks more kindly for user!

You can find the bootstrap in the OP under wallets  Smiley
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
the wallet synchronous take very long time!
maybe, support zip file for history blocks more kindly for user!
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500
Crown has started a Twitter Campaign at PromoPlugs! If you haven't already, be sure to drop by, earn some quick cash, all while supporting your favorite altcoin (Crown obviously!!)
Campaign Details:

Good news, i'll follow this campaign to get some free CRW also placing buy order on the exchange because i know dev seriously working hard in this project.
Will be better if CRW make more promote, i believe it will help everyone interesting about CRW future and project.

Thanks for your support Apriand
hero member
Activity: 896
Merit: 1008
Free crypto every day here:
Crown has started a Twitter Campaign at PromoPlugs! If you haven't already, be sure to drop by, earn some quick cash, all while supporting your favorite altcoin (Crown obviously!!)
Campaign Details:

Good news, i'll follow this campaign to get some free CRW also placing buy order on the exchange because i know dev seriously working hard in this project.
Will be better if CRW make more promote, i believe it will help everyone interesting about CRW future and project.
full member
Activity: 171
Merit: 100
I still haven't had much luck in setting up a throne, I can't quite pinpoint why this is the case. I'm using ubuntu 16.10 and following the guide exactly. when I type throne list in debug console it shows up as enabled. However, when I type ./crown-cli getinfo in putty, it shows a 0 balance. looking through the block explorer it shows the throne has exactly 10000 crw associated with it.

If the throne is showing up in the list and crown-cli throne status shows the node is running just be patient, the rewards will come into your controller wallet with the 10000 coins in it.

How long would this take? I waited hours then typed ./crown-cli getinfo and it still shows a 0 balance. It shows up initially in the list then disappears after a period of time, I can only assume because it boots the node because it doesn't see 10000 crw attributed to it.

If your using the .10 guide from the OP, it tells you to set up hot and cold wallets.
The hot wallet(VPS) never has coins in it, the cold wallet (windows) is where your coins are stored.
Keep entering the start command.

never spam the start command as that could result in getting your node banned, you should be running a hot/cold node setup. the hot node contains the 10000 coins for the throne, as well as a throne.conf with the information in it pointing toward your cold node. The throne private keys from both the hot and cold node MUST match or your start command will not start your cold node.

When you start your cold node with

and type "crown-cli throne status" you should see that the node is waiting for remote activation.
On your hot node setup your throne.conf using the example in that file. wait for the 15 confirmations to start your throne. then restart your hot node. and send the command to start your cold node.
when you use the throne.conf with a QT based wallet you should see a throne manager tab, which will give you access to all of the nodes in the throne.conf

I've folowed these guidelines without success. The cold node cannot communicste with the hot node. it initially shows as enabled then becomes missing before accepting payment as the hot node shows a 0 balance. Private keys are identical. Maybe the hot node's conf file is in the wrong spot?  I've tried sething it up a dozen times now
hero member
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
Crown has started a Twitter Campaign at PromoPlugs! If you haven't already, be sure to drop by, earn some quick cash, all while supporting your favorite altcoin (Crown obviously!!)
Campaign Details:

Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
Might be somehow stupid question...
The difference between hot throne and hot/cold node is what?

Hot Throne: All the coins are stored in a wallet stored on the throne disk? No second machine required for this setup?
Hot/Cold Node: The throne itself has an empty wallet. The 10.000 CRW  are stored on a second machine. Both need to run?

What the benefit of each setup? My plan was more to use only one machine for the setup. So this would be a hot throne?

I tried to follow all the discussions about setting thrones but I guess this will be much easier the moment you do it yourself.

For the git repository, I guess the fix will be merged to master branch at some point? Maybe I should just wait some days until things are cleared and rebuild from source Smiley

Hot Throne: All the coins are stored in a wallet stored on the throne disk, No second machine required for this setup.
Hot/Cold Node: The throne itself has an empty wallet. The 10.000 CRW  are stored on a second machine. The second machine only needs to run to send out the "throne start" command and then it can be closed. essentially keeping your coins offline

The fix will be merged to master at some point but we're waiting for the network to stabilize, Some of our scripts are based off of master, so services get automatically updated when we push to the master repo.
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500

256 267 Thrones online today
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
Might be somehow stupid question...
The difference between hot throne and hot/cold node is what?

Hot Throne: All the coins are stored in a wallet stored on the throne disk? No second machine required for this setup?
Hot/Cold Node: The throne itself has an empty wallet. The 10.000 CRW  are stored on a second machine. Both need to run?

What the benefit of each setup? My plan was more to use only one machine for the setup. So this would be a hot throne?

I tried to follow all the discussions about setting thrones but I guess this will be much easier the moment you do it yourself.

For the git repository, I guess the fix will be merged to master branch at some point? Maybe I should just wait some days until things are cleared and rebuild from source Smiley
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
Will there be an updated guide for setting up thrones? As I see quite some ppl having issues with this.

I'm going to look into making a more straight forward guide. part of the issue's you noticed people posting about though were due to a bug in the release which we got ironed out Wink

OK, thanks for clarification.
I compiled from source some days ago, should I get updated source and recompile? I guess I had a bad timing for compiling the wallet and deamon Smiley

if your trying to run a hot node, then checkout the fix-hot-throne branch, that should get you going. otherwise if you running a hot/cold node setup you should be okay. to checkout a new branch use
git pull
git checkout fix-hot-throne

Or if you'd like to clone the fix-hot-throne branch instead of the master branch use
git clone -b fix-hot-throne
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
Will there be an updated guide for setting up thrones? As I see quite some ppl having issues with this.

I'm going to look into making a more straight forward guide. part of the issue's you noticed people posting about though were due to a bug in the release which we got ironed out Wink

OK, thanks for clarification.
I compiled from source some days ago, should I get updated source and recompile? I guess I had a bad timing for compiling the wallet and deamon Smiley
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
Will there be an updated guide for setting up thrones? As I see quite some ppl having issues with this.

I'm going to look into making a more straight forward guide. part of the issue's you noticed people posting about though were due to a bug in the release which we got ironed out Wink
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1002
Node-vps is finally up and running, updating system had a bug, so i had to do things manually.. took a while.. now it seems a 3rd party program has a bad memory, and lost some ip addresses.. shouldnt affect any of my customers, except one, but that person has been notified...

node-vps is working toward getting even more features online, and we will slowly migrate away from 3rd party systems (whmcs + addons) because i most say they have been giving me some headaches..


On a second note: I work together with this awesome team, and their dedication is fantastic....
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
Will there be an updated guide for setting up thrones? As I see quite some ppl having issues with this.
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500
The Dev team has submitted the below press release to several Bitcoin and Altcoin news related sites, we would like to ask the community to share it further within any possible own channels. Thank you


What is Crown? is a cryptographically secured, open application platform which is being built on top of the innovations introduced by the Bitcoin and Dash developers.  Originally inspired by the universal symbol of the Crown and launched in a fair process in 2014, the project has expanded into a global team with an interest in building off of a coin with an existing and fair distribution rather than engaging in the questionable process of an ICO.

The Crown dev team recently updated its code to Bitcoin 0.10 and Dash 0.12, and released a series of papers, the Crown Papers.  The updated code updates the capabilities of the existing core, and offers the desired launching point for the planned work which is broadly outlined in the papers.  The Crown Papers are an outline of the team’s intent and perspectives, and an invitation to others of like mind to take a look at the project and join in our efforts if they like.

Blockchain 2.0

Blockchain, blockchain, blockchain. It all feels like we are in the Wizard of Oz and if we just tap our heels together and say it three times then magic will happen.  This seems to be the belief in boardrooms from the Fortune 500 to Sand Hill Road.  But it’s really just that to those who haven’t really thought about it, or don’t understand – any advanced technology looks like magic.  And what the crypto-currencies fundamentally are is just an underutilized tarball of extraordinary technologies.

 As one blogs a team member reads, put it:
“Science: Because the answer never turned out to be magic.  Ever.”  

The science involved in crypto-currencies is an open public key infrastructure, a distributed database, a reward system, peer to peer networking, secure hashing and other elements.  All built off of an open source code base.  These distributed systems have the potential to solve an extraordinary range of problems – kind of like the general purpose computer or the early internet.

Crown is clone of Bitcoin and Dash, combining the strength of the Bitcoin network with the Dash masternodes model. This progressive crypto combination is the baseline for the next step for the Crown dev team towards Blockchain 2.0 (blockchain, blockchain, blockchain).

The final product of Crown’s development effort will be a tarball of software innovations applying the capabilities of secure hashing, a public key infrastructure, peer to peer networking, encryption/decryption, distributed databases, distributed consensus protocols, cloud computing, open source, git -- you get the idea.  The same pieces as the existing systems – just arranged in a slightly different way.

The Crown project challenges the current paradigm, and instead envisions an alternative approach to attaining the holy grail of Blockchain.  The holy grail is product of great usefulness that achieves long term and wide spread adoption by providing valuable services and network security through a cryptographically secure and environmentally sustainable method.

There is a collective belief within the Crown team that Blockchain technology current sits in a position similar to the internet in the 1990s; with great potential but missing the innovations required to make it truly useful.  As we learn from the continuing evolution of the Internet, these innovations come in incremental steps.

Crown papers

The Crown Papers briefly introduce what the team is thinking and our goals for the project.  An outline of the papers follows:

Crown Paper 1.0 – Governance
In this paper the Crown team provides a brief background to the project and introduces governance concepts and outlines how the project will interact with both the technology and the community.

Crown Paper 2.0 – Introduction & Features
In this paper the Crown team introduces the key entities that will form Crown and the design principles that will be used along the development process.

Crown Paper 3.0 – Applications
In this paper the Crown team describes the vision for how applications will fit into Crown and how the platform will allow those applications will be enabled to operate as a business entity.

Crown Paper 4.0 - Combinations & Permutations
In this paper the Crown team explains what makes the project unique and details some of the proposed use models for the platform.

Crown Paper 5.0 - Symbols, Skyhooks & Survival
In this paper the Crown team muses about what it will take for the project to survive in the current ecosystem and the importance of a shared imagination.

Crown Paper 6.0 – Sharing & Open Teams
In this paper the Crown team contextualises the relationship between economic, social and technological change and what this means for technology such as Blockchain. This paper also describes the evolution of the Crown team and project and its immediate aims for the future.

[email protected]

The release was submitted to the following sites:

1. Coindesk
2. Cryptocoinnews
3. Cointelegraph
4. Newsbitcoin
5. NewsBTC
6. TheBitcoinNews
7. Coinjournal
8. Cryptolife
9. Cryptosource
10. Bitcoinist
11. Digital money times
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
I still haven't had much luck in setting up a throne, I can't quite pinpoint why this is the case. I'm using ubuntu 16.10 and following the guide exactly. when I type throne list in debug console it shows up as enabled. However, when I type ./crown-cli getinfo in putty, it shows a 0 balance. looking through the block explorer it shows the throne has exactly 10000 crw associated with it.

If the throne is showing up in the list and crown-cli throne status shows the node is running just be patient, the rewards will come into your controller wallet with the 10000 coins in it.

How long would this take? I waited hours then typed ./crown-cli getinfo and it still shows a 0 balance. It shows up initially in the list then disappears after a period of time, I can only assume because it boots the node because it doesn't see 10000 crw attributed to it.

If your using the .10 guide from the OP, it tells you to set up hot and cold wallets.
The hot wallet(VPS) never has coins in it, the cold wallet (windows) is where your coins are stored.
Keep entering the start command.

never spam the start command as that could result in getting your node banned, you should be running a hot/cold node setup. the hot node contains the 10000 coins for the throne, as well as a throne.conf with the information in it pointing toward your cold node. The throne private keys from both the hot and cold node MUST match or your start command will not start your cold node.

When you start your cold node with

and type "crown-cli throne status" you should see that the node is waiting for remote activation.
On your hot node setup your throne.conf using the example in that file. wait for the 15 confirmations to start your throne. then restart your hot node. and send the command to start your cold node.
when you use the throne.conf with a QT based wallet you should see a throne manager tab, which will give you access to all of the nodes in the throne.conf
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