
Topic: [ANN][CRW] CROWN (SHA256) | Platform | Governance | Systemnodes | Masternodes | - page 144. (Read 317079 times)

Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
I still haven't had much luck in setting up a throne, I can't quite pinpoint why this is the case. I'm using ubuntu 16.10 and following the guide exactly. when I type throne list in debug console it shows up as enabled. However, when I type ./crown-cli getinfo in putty, it shows a 0 balance. looking through the block explorer it shows the throne has exactly 10000 crw associated with it.

If the throne is showing up in the list and crown-cli throne status shows the node is running just be patient, the rewards will come into your controller wallet with the 10000 coins in it.

How long would this take? I waited hours then typed ./crown-cli getinfo and it still shows a 0 balance. It shows up initially in the list then disappears after a period of time, I can only assume because it boots the node because it doesn't see 10000 crw attributed to it.

If your using the .10 guide from the OP, it tells you to set up hot and cold wallets.
The hot wallet(VPS) never has coins in it, the cold wallet (windows) is where your coins are stored.
Keep entering the start command.
full member
Activity: 171
Merit: 100
I still haven't had much luck in setting up a throne, I can't quite pinpoint why this is the case. I'm using ubuntu 16.10 and following the guide exactly. when I type throne list in debug console it shows up as enabled. However, when I type ./crown-cli getinfo in putty, it shows a 0 balance. looking through the block explorer it shows the throne has exactly 10000 crw associated with it.

If the throne is showing up in the list and crown-cli throne status shows the node is running just be patient, the rewards will come into your controller wallet with the 10000 coins in it.

How long would this take? I waited hours then typed ./crown-cli getinfo and it still shows a 0 balance. It shows up initially in the list then disappears after a period of time, I can only assume because it boots the node because it doesn't see 10000 crw attributed to it.
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
I still haven't had much luck in setting up a throne, I can't quite pinpoint why this is the case. I'm using ubuntu 16.10 and following the guide exactly. when I type throne list in debug console it shows up as enabled. However, when I type ./crown-cli getinfo in putty, it shows a 0 balance. looking through the block explorer it shows the throne has exactly 10000 crw associated with it.

If the throne is showing up in the list and crown-cli throne status shows the node is running just be patient, the rewards will come into your controller wallet with the 10000 coins in it.
full member
Activity: 171
Merit: 100
I still haven't had much luck in setting up a throne, I can't quite pinpoint why this is the case. I'm using ubuntu 16.10 and following the guide exactly. when I type throne list in debug console it shows up as enabled. However, when I type ./crown-cli getinfo in putty, it shows a 0 balance. looking through the block explorer it shows the throne has exactly 10000 crw associated with it.
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1002
Chipcoin Developer
My crw explorer will go down for ~24 hours... I'm updating the server and daemon etc...
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
fantastic. in this way the book can be distributed for free as intended. nice workaround
Activity: 87
Merit: 10
If anybody would like to read our series of paper, Urban_Idler has put them on Amazon for Kindle download.  We wanted to list them for free but unfortunately Amazon sets a minimum price of £1.

Still, if you're like me and hate paper...

Just too bad that you could not release it for free as wanted

I believe in iTunes it will be for free, cant beat the Amazon rules  Grin anyway, all the papers are for free on our web

Amazon allows for  5 day free promotional giveaway every 90 days.  So the papers will be free for download on Amazon from this Wednesday 2/15 to 2/19...

Also -- Amazon allows you to turn off their DRM (Digital Rights Management) -- which we did -- and book lending is allowed.  Also, if you are a kindle person, you can also just open the PDF into Kindle -- the formatting isn't perfect on any of it anyway.  We are still just bootstrapping this thing.

The point is to just get some of the ideas out there and invite folks of a similar mind to join us on this project to see how far we can go with it.  The idea behind putting it on Amazon is so that when folks search for books on altcoins, bitcoin, open source, crypto and other things -- we may show up in the list.

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
It's not your fault, it's amazon who will not give it for free Smiley
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500
If anybody would like to read our series of paper, Urban_Idler has put them on Amazon for Kindle download.  We wanted to list them for free but unfortunately Amazon sets a minimum price of £1.

Still, if you're like me and hate paper...

Just too bad that you could not release it for free as wanted

I believe in iTunes it will be for free, cant beat the Amazon rules  Grin anyway, all the papers are for free on our web
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
If anybody would like to read our series of paper, Urban_Idler has put them on Amazon for Kindle download.  We wanted to list them for free but unfortunately Amazon sets a minimum price of £1.

Still, if you're like me and hate paper...

Just too bad that you could not release it for free as wanted
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500
If anybody would like to read our series of paper, Urban_Idler has put them on Amazon for Kindle download.  We wanted to list them for free but unfortunately Amazon sets a minimum price of £1.

Still, if you're like me and hate paper...

Great stuff! Looking very proffesional, will be added soon to iTunes and other e-book distribution channels through one of our partners. I think this way we can reach out to a very specific new community of followers.  Wink
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
Ok thank you, Will wait patiently.

Give that a shot now. I was able to successfully broadcast and see the node from my windows wallet. I've done a few things that should've helped with the issue.
Doesn't work, can you confirm if there's any config changes in crown.conf for this. Tested on four vps's , no worky.
Think it keeps trying to use throne.conf , even after deleting will still throw "Not capable throne: Could not connect to (ip) "

Are you sure your on the right branch when building? I was able to get one working correctly last night with the regular config. no extra options or anything.

tried this , got this  sudo ./crown-cli throne start-all
    "overall" : "Successfully started 0 thrones, failed to start 0, total 0",
    "detail" : {

start-all works from the throne.conf, if your running a hot node it should start automatically. you can check with "throne status" or "throne debug" if its not running start it with "throne start" instead of start-all
I know "throne start" outputs Could not connect to (ip) ".....

If it's still outputting that it can't connect, make sure port 9340 is open and forwarded to your client. I ran into the exact same issue as you when i was testing, and have gotten a few people past it with the fix-hot-throne branch. Including myself in my own tests.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
If anybody would like to read our series of paper, Urban_Idler has put them on Amazon for Kindle download.  We wanted to list them for free but unfortunately Amazon sets a minimum price of £1.

Still, if you're like me and hate paper...

hero member
Activity: 612
Merit: 520
Ok thank you, Will wait patiently.

Give that a shot now. I was able to successfully broadcast and see the node from my windows wallet. I've done a few things that should've helped with the issue.
Doesn't work, can you confirm if there's any config changes in crown.conf for this. Tested on four vps's , no worky.
Think it keeps trying to use throne.conf , even after deleting will still throw "Not capable throne: Could not connect to (ip) "

Are you sure your on the right branch when building? I was able to get one working correctly last night with the regular config. no extra options or anything.

tried this , got this  sudo ./crown-cli throne start-all
    "overall" : "Successfully started 0 thrones, failed to start 0, total 0",
    "detail" : {

start-all works from the throne.conf, if your running a hot node it should start automatically. you can check with "throne status" or "throne debug" if its not running start it with "throne start" instead of start-all
I know "throne start" outputs Could not connect to (ip) ".....
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
I just updated my wallets and started my nodes hosted at Node-VPS. All went fine and exactly as it should. (Thank you CHAOSiTEC for the service and support!) Smiley

Love the Throne tab in the wallet, makes it MUCH easier for anyone to manage their nodes. Also the 10k vins connected to Thrones seem to be auto-locked now, which is another step forward for throne/reward management. Cheesy

A new wallet, new website, new papers, new mobile apps, constant improvements, etc. All in all a big step forward for CROWN!

Here's a screen grab of the throne tab.  Please note that it only appears in the wallet if you have Thrones listed in your Throne.conf

hero member
Activity: 525
Merit: 510
I just updated my wallets and started my nodes hosted at Node-VPS. All went fine and exactly as it should. (Thank you CHAOSiTEC for the service and support!) Smiley

Love the Throne tab in the wallet, makes it MUCH easier for anyone to manage their nodes. Also the 10k vins connected to Thrones seem to be auto-locked now, which is another step forward for throne/reward management. Cheesy

A new wallet, new website, new papers, new mobile apps, constant improvements, etc. All in all a big step forward for CROWN!
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
Ok thank you, Will wait patiently.

Give that a shot now. I was able to successfully broadcast and see the node from my windows wallet. I've done a few things that should've helped with the issue.
Doesn't work, can you confirm if there's any config changes in crown.conf for this. Tested on four vps's , no worky.
Think it keeps trying to use throne.conf , even after deleting will still throw "Not capable throne: Could not connect to (ip) "

Are you sure your on the right branch when building? I was able to get one working correctly last night with the regular config. no extra options or anything.

tried this , got this  sudo ./crown-cli throne start-all
    "overall" : "Successfully started 0 thrones, failed to start 0, total 0",
    "detail" : {

start-all works from the throne.conf, if your running a hot node it should start automatically. you can check with "throne status" or "throne debug" if its not running start it with "throne start" instead of start-all
hero member
Activity: 612
Merit: 520
I'm going to just transfer all the crw from the vps's elsewhere and delete everything and start them from scratch including configs. If i run into error will report back.
hero member
Activity: 612
Merit: 520
Ok thank you, Will wait patiently.

Give that a shot now. I was able to successfully broadcast and see the node from my windows wallet. I've done a few things that should've helped with the issue.
Doesn't work, can you confirm if there's any config changes in crown.conf for this. Tested on four vps's , no worky.
Think it keeps trying to use throne.conf , even after deleting will still throw "Not capable throne: Could not connect to (ip) "

Are you sure your on the right branch when building? I was able to get one working correctly last night with the regular config. no extra options or anything.

tried this , got this  sudo ./crown-cli throne start-all
    "overall" : "Successfully started 0 thrones, failed to start 0, total 0",
    "detail" : {
Activity: 964
Merit: 1000
Ok thank you, Will wait patiently.

Give that a shot now. I was able to successfully broadcast and see the node from my windows wallet. I've done a few things that should've helped with the issue.
Doesn't work, can you confirm if there's any config changes in crown.conf for this. Tested on four vps's , no worky.
Think it keeps trying to use throne.conf , even after deleting will still throw "Not capable throne: Could not connect to (ip) "

Are you sure your on the right branch when building? I was able to get one working correctly last night with the regular config. no extra options or anything.
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