
Topic: [ANN][CRW] CROWN (SHA256) | Platform | Governance | Systemnodes | Masternodes | - page 69. (Read 317079 times)

hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500
Looking forward to the naming convention!

Well it looks like that the closest choice is between space missions and cloud names  Smiley
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
Looking forward to the naming convention!
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
Thank you for all those that participated in this poll

Results from the voting so far (yay Bitcointalk for not allowing images yet..)

[44%]   01: +===============+            
[38%]   02: +=============+            
[32%]   03: +===========+                    
[27%]   04: +=========+               
[24%]   05: +========+                       
[21%]   06: +=======+                       
[12%]   *7: +====+                       
[03%]   08: +=+                          
[03%]   09: +=+                          
[03%]   10: +=+                          
[03%]   11: +=+                          
[03%]   12: +=+                          
*: this option was added later, so relatively fewer exposure - and the result should probably be multiplied by 3

1: Space missions- (big updates) & space shuttles- (smaller updates) names
2: Cloud names (Zypher, Sirrus, Nimbus etc)
3: Greek / Roman mythical figures (Apollo, Zeus, Titan, Rhea etc).
4: Knights of the Round table (Percival, Lancelot, Galahad, Tristan, Bedivere etc)
5: Mushrooms (Because the spores represent the network with MN & SNs:
6: Castle names (GoT inspired: Dragonstone, Harrenhal, Casterly Rock, Winterfell, Riverrun, Red Keep, Moat Caillin, The Eyrie)
7: Gem names, because there are lots of them and it can be done in alphabetical order
8: Chemistry elements
9: Atomic
10: Crown shapes: Astral Camp Circlet Coronet Diadem Eastern Golden hat Hoop Mural Naval Tiara
11: Crown Unity
12: Crown connect, Crown nebula, Crown BlockWorks

Please keep in mind, it should be (1.) a series, (2.) it should not have any negative associations, (3.) it should be universal, and if possible (4.) some nice reference in whatever abstract way to Crown.
For this reason, we will think about the options - and the winner from this poll might not be what ends up to be the naming convention.
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500
Systemnode count going up nicely

Nearly 2000 nodes powering Crown, with over 1 PH / s going our way, we have strong fundamentals!
full member
Activity: 227
Merit: 125
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
Voted on the names and the website thingy. The meeting in Amsterdam looks like it was a succes!
hero member
Activity: 615
Merit: 502

I was thinking different crown forms could work? eg the list here on wikipedia and other variations which there should be a few of? 

Anyway I voted with this list for samples: Astral, Camp, Circlet, Coronet, Diadem, Eastern, Golden hat, Hoop, Mural, Naval, Tiara
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500
I do think Cryptopia will add Crown, if you're looking into their rating system:

Windows Wallet:    Yes
Linux Wallet:    Yes
Mac Wallet:    Yes
Mobile Wallet:    Yes
Web/Paper Wallet:    Yes
Premine:    0%
Website:    Yes
Block Explorer:    Yes
Cryptopia Forum:    No
Total:    900/1000

Did someone contact them yet?

Looks promising, can you pls contact them? More people the better I think.
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500
Naming convention poll

The options are:
  • Space missions- (big updates) & space shuttles- (smaller updates) names
  • Mushrooms (link with the spores network / MN & SNs:
  • Greek / Roman mythical figures (Apollo, Zeus, Titan, Rhea etc).
  • Castle names (GoT inspired: Dragonstone, Harrenhal, Casterly Rock, Winterfell, Riverrun, Red Keep, Moat Caillin, The Eyrie)
  • Knights of the Round table (Percival, Lancelot, Galahad, Tristan, Bedivere..)
  • Cloud names (Zypher, Sirrus, Nimbus etc)

Please cast your vote here:

the probem I have with some of the options is that they are not universal - I for instance like space missions, but we are not an American nor other country project....
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
I do think Cryptopia will add Crown, if you're looking into their rating system:

Windows Wallet:    Yes
Linux Wallet:    Yes
Mac Wallet:    Yes
Mobile Wallet:    Yes
Web/Paper Wallet:    Yes
Premine:    0%
Website:    Yes
Block Explorer:    Yes
Cryptopia Forum:    No
Total:    900/1000

Did someone contact them yet?
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
Activity: 57
Merit: 0
Site survey update

A big thank you to everyone who filled out our survey!
We've looked at the results, and put together a small summary of what suggestions came in, and what data we collected.
We are working on improving the website. For instance, it should be a lot quicker now to load - the animation of the knights helmet took quite some resources and has been made static now. We also hired an UX designer from the community (on mattermost @luke6040) who will do an analysis of the website and bring out a UX report.

In the mean time, please find the report here

The conclusion is:
Extracting the overall gist, the user experience can be enhanced.

  • A focus on the information (explain what Crown is, and what atomic is - but also keep news more centralized, for instance info on the Amsterdam meeting)
  • the information flow (menu structure), and used language (jargon like API & co)
  • as well as a more neutral approach to styling (less dark, less game-ish feel)

.. should solve most of the concerns raised in this questionnaire.

To be continued..

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
Can you point us in the right direction? Maybe get the ball rolling for us? I have never used cryptopia personally and wouldn't know where to start.
They're a growing exchange.  They ask for 25k USD for a guaranteed listing though.  They seem to list for free fairly often if they like the project.
That's kinda off the table for now Cheesy
But maybe they will like Crown if they're made aware...I'm looking at you "btct22"

Well, I've suggested it  Smiley  If that fails, here's the info as to how to get listed there

It's a really good exchange, if you haven't tried it, signup and buy some Crave to try it out  Grin

I hear it is a good exchange but we are not going to pay $28,000 to be listed on it!
hero member
Activity: 615
Merit: 502
Can you point us in the right direction? Maybe get the ball rolling for us? I have never used cryptopia personally and wouldn't know where to start.
They're a growing exchange.  They ask for 25k USD for a guaranteed listing though.  They seem to list for free fairly often if they like the project.
That's kinda off the table for now Cheesy
But maybe they will like Crown if they're made aware...I'm looking at you "btct22"

Well, I've suggested it  Smiley  If that fails, here's the info as to how to get listed there

It's a really good exchange, if you haven't tried it, signup and buy some Crave to try it out  Grin
hero member
Activity: 808
Merit: 500
An issue regarding the name Crown "Atomic" was aired in the development meeting on Friday. The issue being
some may be confused by Atomic swaps which are currently very popular.
We promised to raise this with the community to get some feedback.
So I guess the first question is

Should we change the name Crown "Atomic" to something else? If so, what would you suggest?

I think the name should capture what the project really is about. If I look at what Crown really is in its heart, I get a few important points: It will be an application economy, which is self-funding, self-governing and law compliant with a strong and organic community.

So I would think something like this would fit:

  • Crown Revolution
  • Crown Rebellion
  • Crown Domination
  • Crown Unity
  • Crown Population
  • Crown Sovereignty

I like thinking about this stuff hehe

full member
Activity: 227
Merit: 125
nice roadmap

Better than yours "Visale".   At least these guys are pushing their coin forward unlike the "fast exchange xfer" coins you've been pumping out.  Take some better care of Linda please.

Anyway, I came here to suggest that Cryptopia is a worthwhile exchange for Crown because it has some decent volume now and it will mean less reliance on Bittrex for Crown.  What do you guys think / is it planned already and I've missed it?


Can you point us in the right direction? Maybe get the ball rolling for us? I have never used cryptopia personally and wouldn't know where to start.

They're a growing exchange.  They ask for 25k USD for a guaranteed listing though.  They seem to list for free fairly often if they like the project.

That's kinda off the table for now Cheesy
But maybe they will like Crown if they're made aware...I'm looking at you "btct22"
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1002
Decentralize Everything
nice roadmap

Better than yours "Visale".   At least these guys are pushing their coin forward unlike the "fast exchange xfer" coins you've been pumping out.  Take some better care of Linda please.

Anyway, I came here to suggest that Cryptopia is a worthwhile exchange for Crown because it has some decent volume now and it will mean less reliance on Bittrex for Crown.  What do you guys think / is it planned already and I've missed it?


Can you point us in the right direction? Maybe get the ball rolling for us? I have never used cryptopia personally and wouldn't know where to start.

They're a growing exchange.  They ask for 25k USD for a guaranteed listing though.  They seem to list for free fairly often if they like the project.
full member
Activity: 227
Merit: 125
nice roadmap

Better than yours "Visale".   At least these guys are pushing their coin forward unlike the "fast exchange xfer" coins you've been pumping out.  Take some better care of Linda please.

Anyway, I came here to suggest that Cryptopia is a worthwhile exchange for Crown because it has some decent volume now and it will mean less reliance on Bittrex for Crown.  What do you guys think / is it planned already and I've missed it?


Can you point us in the right direction? Maybe get the ball rolling for us? I have never used cryptopia personally and wouldn't know where to start.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
An issue regarding the name Crown "Atomic" was aired in the development meeting on Friday. The issue being
some may be confused by Atomic swaps which are currently very popular.
We promised to raise this with the community to get some feedback.
So I guess the first question is

Should we change the name Crown "Atomic" to something else? If so, what would you suggest?

I think the name should capture what the project really is about. If I look at what Crown really is in its heart, I get a few important points: It will be an application economy, which is self-funding, self-governing and law compliant with a strong and organic community.

So I would think something like this would fit:

  • Crown Revolution
  • Crown Rebellion
  • Crown Domination
  • Crown Unity
  • Crown Population
  • Crown Sovereignty

I like thinking about this stuff hehe
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