Please check the hash for the block 523412 - should be 000000000000e54f036576a10597e0e42cc22a5159ce572f999c33975e121d4d
$ dash-cli getblockhash 523412
.dash/dash-cli getblockhash 523412
dashman/dashman status
host uptime/load average : 0 days, 0.16 0.06 0.06
dashd bind ip address :
dashd version :
dashd up-to-date : YES
dashd running : YES
dashd uptime : 0 days, 0 hours, 26 mins, 28 secs
dashd responding (rpc) : YES
dashd listening (ip) : YES
dashd connecting (peers) : YES
dashd port open : YES
dashd connection count : 9
dashd blocks synced : YES
last block (local dashd) : 524035
(chainz) : 524035
( : 524035
(dashwhale) : 524033
( : 524034 - no forks detected
dashd current difficulty : 20960.96515373
masternode started : NO
masternode visible (local) : NO
masternode visible (ninja) : NO
masternode list-conf
masternode" : {
"alias" : "gu**",
"address" : "*.*.*.*:9999",
"privateKey" : "7rj9VqtNEz___________________25JPU1pnCqfdNcQXyyQ",
"txHash" : "ea9651a47dcfbf968fb7cc236a3b75eb52cf61563b4e56ba0909ae01fe9e5e55",
"outputIndex" : "0",
"status" : "MISSING"
Yesterday I'd reinstalled ubuntu 16.04 and dashd
And this masternode started again in cold wallet.
But today missing in the masternode list.
check this problem please.
==> Now I restarted masternode by cold wallet console command.