I don't think he sees it as a problem, from his past writings. Has anything changed?
so asics doesn't end in more mining centralisation for dash?
Edit: i know that every pow coin has this problem, but hey, we have evan. We could do this in a better way.
There's a specific quote I'm thinking of, where he sees us going down the same road as Bitcoin, CPU, GPU, then ASIC. I'm curious if his stance has changed. I think it gives us a cachet in the crypto world, where companies spend big money to expand the Dash ecosytem, although in a limited way.
I haven't given it a lot of thought, but with a tiered network, does mining centralization pose as big a threat to Dash as to other coins? Masternodes seem to wield the power here. Unlike Bitcoin devs, Evan is willing to cut off old nodes during an upgrade (like to 0.12, I think), which would tame rouge or overly-conservative miners who didn't want to change because of some controversial feature in a new client. Just thinking out loud
Edit: ddlink7 thanks for the quote, very interesting!
A lot of the above discussion already took place at the Dashtalk forum and Dashwhale forum, which resulted in three polls all indicating a majority against changing the mining algoritme
I do think Evan found a way to avoid ASIC mining centralisation (see ddink's post above) without changing the mining algoritme, he just needs time to see if it can be implemented.