What is the transaction fee for sending DASH? Thanks
It has to do with the size of the transaction (how many inputs) You can see how much a transaction will cost, if you go to the send tab. On the upper left corner area, you'll find "coin control features" and below that a button. If you choose which inputs to use (rather than having the wallet decide) you can see all the information after you hit OK (for the coins you chose)
Also, if you just do it the regular way, it will tell you how much the fees are just before you send it. But be careful, if you don't intend to really send the funds, you must hit no, or cancel (can't remember which) Finally, if you put testnet=1 in your conf file, and let one of us know, we'll send you some funny money to practice with- no fear, and you can really get to know the wallet. In fact, you don't even have to ask, there are faucets:
https://dashtalk.org/threads/testnet-tools-resources.1768/ The above thread lists them and other tools, like the explorer. If I were you, If I were anyone who hasn't messed around in that sandbox, I'd highly suggest you do. Knowledge = confidence = less likelihood of f#cking up. You can also ask questions (one step up from that thread is the sub forum) in the v12 testnet thread.
In fact, I think I'm going to go mine there
I'll be all ready for the new testing that should come up soon. Maybe you'll join us? It's fun! And you get to see the new stuff before it's out