the foundation is playing a different role these days, as we switched to the voting/budget system for governance and funding and away from a foundation/donation model like other projects.
The foundation just represents us for some things where a legal entity is required, as you can't operate as a community for many things in the real world. So I would say the foundation role at this point is more on the legal representation side and not at all on project management
OK, so who (or what entity) was the beneficiary of the instamine and used/will use the proceeds to fund development?
Evan, THE DARKCOIN FOUNDATION, Hawk Financial Group, or....?
You guys never stick to and follow through on any previously announced plans. Even the foundation has been relaunched/rebranded!
It's just a never-ending cascade of baits and switches, keeping the bagholder hopes up that if they just buy a little more, the moon rocket will take off.
Why not focus on one thing, and do it better than everyone? Given the severely botched launch, Duffield is no software da Vinci polymath!
Why keep hopping from goal to goal, does this project not have a core competency on which to concentrate?
Perhaps marketing shitcoin-based HYIP scams (with constantly receding goalposts to string along credulous noobs) is Dash's core competency.