Well I wanted to stay out of toknormal's discution of CoinPrice and NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners dependency butI took the time to formluate the whole thing for myself.
I print it here. It's a lot. I wouldn't read it myself!
But in conclution:
MinerAmotisationTime = (
MinerCount * MinerCost) / (
CoinPrice *
NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners * NetworkCoinsFlow [Coins/sec])
Miners incentive is to have a low MinerAmotisationTime. As lower as better and more profit later.
MinerAmotisationTime is in concurence to ALL other mineable Coins. The Miners will mine the Coins with the lowest MinerAmotisationTime. Or in other words all Coins tend to get equal MinerAmotisationTime or MinerAmotisationTime will stay const.
MinerAmotisationTime =
Now if MinerAmotisationTime is constant then we have 3 values that have to keep the equation in balance:
MinerCount, CoinPrice and NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners
where as MinerCount : Total count of standard Miners on the Network
if we lower the NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners like we did then the CoinPrice has to be HEIGHER to keep this equation constant.
The Miners are stimulated to sell Coins at a Heigher price..
However we know that this will not happen.
Instead they will leave.
-> So the MinerCount lowers! The lower NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners is compensated with a lower MinerCount over long and NOT the CoinPrice!There is however no incentive in this equiation for a lower the Price. The price isn't affected by the Miners. If at all they would tend to sell heigher.
And for Masternode owners it's an increase that theoretical attracs more investors and rise the price through that. But that is not how it will play out.
There are other reason why lowering NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners is bad. Psychological reason. And THAT is what influences the CoinPrice the most.
And like we have seen to the lower side.
I can not follow toknormal why lowering NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners should have any impact let alone lowering on the CoinPrice.
But I can also not grasp why anyone thought lowering NetworkDistributionRatioToMiner will help to rise the price of this Coin.
You ppl just don't make any sense. Ask yourself what is the value of a Coin? How does it get value? Certainly not through such Ratio manipulations.
Anyway...for those interested..here is my full blabla... I wrote it down for myself and it might be a bit messy and maybe even have flaws.
----------------------------------*** General: CoinPrice(t) : CoinPrice at time t in [$/Coin]
NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners : fraction of the generated Network coins that goes to the miners (i.e. 0.4)
*** Miners: Miner Investor incentive: low MinerAmotisationTime
Miner Investor worries: never get the Investment back (MinerAmotisationTime rise to infinite)
Note as lower the MinerAmotisationTime as more profit is generated later. The CoinPrice isn't really relevant for this mechanics
MinerCount : Total Standard Miners on the Network (we simplify here and say all have the same MineingPowerHashrate and same MinerCost)
MinerCoinsPower(t) : Coins mined per time in per Miner [Coins / sec]
MinerCost : Cost of a Miner [$]
MinerAmotisationTime : Time till a Miner investment is fully payed off [sec]
MinerCashFlow(t) = CoinPrice(t) * MinerCoinsPower(t); in [$/sec]
MinerCost = MinerAmotisationTime * MinerCashFlow(t)
-> MinerAmotisationTime = MinerCost / MinerCashFlow(t) lesser MinerAmotisationTime is better
MinerAmotisationTime = MinerCost / (CoinPrice(t) * MinerCoinsPower(t))
MinerCoinsPower(t) = NetworkCoinsFlow [Coins/sec] * NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners/ MinerCount
MinerAmotisationTime = MinerCost / (CoinPrice(t) * NetworkCoinsFlow [Coins/sec] * NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners/ MinerCount)
MinerAmotisationTime = (MinerCount * MinerCost) / (CoinPrice(t) * NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners * NetworkCoinsFlow [Coins/sec])
*** Masternode: MasterNode Investros incentive: Height YearlyInterest, stable or rising CoinPrice
MasterNode Investros worries: falling CoinPrices
MasterNodeCoinReward(t) : Coins rewarded per time [Coins / sec]
MasterNodeCoinReward(t) = NetworkCoinsFlow [Coins/sec] * (0.9 - NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners)/ MasterNodeCount
MasterNodePrice(t) : Collateral MasterNode in [$]
MasterNodePrice(t) = CoinPrice(t) * MasterNodeCostCoins
MasterNodeErnings(t) : Cash flow for MasterNodeOwners [$/sec]
MasterNodeErnings(t) = MasterNodeCoinReward(t)*CoinPrice(t) [$/sec]
MasterNodeErnings(t) = CoinPrice(t) * NetworkCoinsFlow [Coins/sec] * (0.9 - NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners)/ MasterNodeCount
MasterNodeCostCoins : MasterNode Price in coins [Coins]
MasterNodePrice(t) : Price of a Masternode in [$]
MasterNodePrice(t) : CoinPrice(t) * MasterNodeCostCoins
Not: NetworkDistributionRatioToMasterNodes = 0.9 - NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners (with 10% gov cost) but lets stick with just one value and the same value for Masternode too
InterestPerTime(t) = MasterNodeErnings(t) / MasterNodePrice(t) [1/sec]
InterestPerTime(t) = CoinPrice(t) * NetworkCoinsFlow [Coins/sec] * (0.9 - NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners)/ (MasterNodeCount * CoinPrice(t) * MasterNodeCostCoins)
InterestPerTime(t) = NetworkCoinsFlow [Coins/sec] * (0.9 - NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners)/ (MasterNodeCount * MasterNodeCostCoins)
OneYearTime : total Seconds in a year [sec]
YearlyInterest(t) = InterestPerTime(t) * OneYearTime
YearlyInterestInPercent(t) = 100 * InterestPerTime(t) * OneYearTimeInSeconds
YearlyInterestInPercent(t) = 100 * OneYearTimeInSeconds * NetworkCoinsFlow [Coins/sec] * (0.9 - NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners)/ (MasterNodeCount * MasterNodeCostCoins)
-> Note Not CoinPrice dependent
or if we want to express in a sort of amotisation time analog to the Miners:
MasternodeAmotisationTime = MasterNodePrice(t) / MasterNodeErnings(t) lesser MasternnodeAmotisationTime is better
MasternodeAmotisationTime = CoinPrice(t) * MasterNodeCostCoins / (CoinPrice(t) * NetworkCoinsFlow [Coins/sec] * (0.9 - NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners)/ MasterNodeCount)
MasternodeAmotisationTime = CoinPrice(t) * MasterNodeCostCoins * MasterNodeCount / (CoinPrice(t) * NetworkCoinsFlow [Coins/sec] * (0.9 - NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners))
MasternodeAmotisationTime = MasterNodeCostCoins * MasterNodeCount / (NetworkCoinsFlow [Coins/sec] * (0.9 - NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners))
-> Not CoinPrice dependent BUT..as lesser the Price as lesser worse the investment so interested in CoinPrice stable or rise
*** Comperation: MinerAmotisationTime = (MinerCount * MinerCost) / (CoinPrice * NetworkDistributionRatioToMinerso * NetworkCoinsFlow)
YearlyInterestInPercent = 100 * OneYearTimeInSeconds * NetworkCoinsFlow * (0.9 - NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners) / (MasterNodeCount * MasterNodeCostCoins)
- Masternode owners perspective: CoinPrice is irrellevant for (new) MasterNodeOwners! CoinPrice is NOT part of the MasterNodes incentive YearlyInterest
However if price rises they will get more money for old MasterNodeOwners with same YearlyInterestInPercent
-> Lowering the NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners rises YearlyInterestInPercent and is in the interest of old and NEW MasterNode owners.
- Miners perspective: As heigher the CoinPrice as smaller the MinerAmotisationTime when the total MinerCount of the Network doesn't change!
However it becomes negleted because more Miners become attracted which will rises MinerAmotisationTime back to what it was.
MinerAmotisationTime is in concurrence with other coins. Miners will mine the Coins with the lowest MinerAmotisationTime.
Now if the price falls the same thing happens in reverse: Miners will flee. MinerAmotisationTime goes back to coin miners market average values.
there fore over a longer time the price isn't relevant for miners too! It will just lead to more or less Miners/Hashrate
-> Lowering the NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners rises the MasternodeAmotisationTime. if the price does not change the Miners will flee and the MinerAmotisationTime goes back to coin miners market average values.
Now in short time when the NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners got lowered it is an incentive for miners to rise the CoinPrice and selling the less Coins for more!
Theoretical that will rise the price for a short time. Practical it will be negible. Miners just sell and don't try to make best market prices. So it will not affect the price.
*** Conclution: Changing NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners can not have an impact on the CoinPrice seen over a longer time. There is no mechanic for that.
However psychological it will push miners away since it is seen as really unjustified. Why mining a coin where the most part goes to some greedy MasterNode owners? Would you do that?
You only do that if MinerAmotisationTime is significant lower than the average mining market or you simple do not care of what others get. That the get more than you.
The low NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners looks bad/unfair for anyone interested in the Coin itself. -> Coin loses attraction.
And THAT at the end will drive the CoinPrice down: Less interested, less used less value.
For Masternode investors the NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners looks good because it rises the YearlyInterestInPercent however there is a catch and this is that
the CoinPrice has to at least keep its Value to not lose money at the end.
So yes more Masternode incentive = more user buying Coins for this = CoinPrice should rise theoretical. Practical the user will not buy Masternodes because we
are at a low position in the Coinmarket cap signaling significant value loss and unsafe investment.
So the the psychological bad looks likely will have more impact on the CoinPrice.
I too say it was a bad decition but because of a completly different reason.
What you should get away from here is that the CoinPrice is NOT determined by anything mechanical you do here! But by Human psychologie and Coin usability.
So doing something that is taken as bad is not a good idea.
Like I always say ..create a product where the Coin is needed and can't be bought with anything else. A Coin needed for something increases its value.
You have to generate an incentive without worries of losing values.
DOH! I just see how toknormal's CoinPrice fall can happen through leaving Miners!
MinerAmotisationTime = (
MinerCount * MinerCost) / (
CoinPrice * NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners * NetworkCoinsFlow [Coins/sec])
true..longer time stability will be this: lower NetworkDistributionRatioToMiners -> lower MinerCount, no CoinPrice change
But let's say Miners are p**** of the unfair Ratio enough that they also do not get into the game if MinerAmotisationTime is significant smaller than all other coins due to too less Miners.
If no additional Miners get back into it...the CoinPrice will lower over time till MinerAmotisationTime rises to equal level like the other coins.
So in effect yes if you make Miners dislikeing a Coin it will backfire in lower CoinPrices over an even longer time periode.
And if you make Miners attracted to a Coin then well...price could go heigher.
I can somewhat follow toknormals argumentation now. Given Miners do not look on their profit numbers only but also act psychological mineing coins they like and avoid those they dislike despite lesser profit.
[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]