DASH price is now lower than 0.01171874 BTC, the penultimate Darkcoin price in my records (February 19th, 2015) and much lower than the very last recorded price, on March 4th when DRK was at 0.01330801 BTC, about a week before "re-branding." (12.50% lower than 3 months and a week ago)
Full three months and some after the brand change, not a single exchange or a big retailer (that "might accept Dash IF the name was changed...") has accepted it; but the said acceptance had been by far the most important reason for the Foundation Members to push for the change and demise of the coolest brand ever, that of Darkcoin. After briefly getting on the #4 on
https://coinmarketcap.com/#USD DASH is now only on the 7th place.
The more I look at this the more I abhor the most ridiculous brand change in recent history.
Do not get me wrong, I think Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain at
https://dashtalk.org/forums/official-announcements.54/ is an idea of a genius, and all the ongoing developments, including Project Management and Delivery Excellence Initiative, and the upcoming version 12 might tip the scale but I do not see it.
As I already stated here, this is how stupid the people are. And yes, I share the same stupidity but I also know the brand & marketing can make or break you and your project. With the video production we paid for (partially for Evan forked out the needed, over 50% I think) over three months ago still being in, well, production, I dread future marketing moves and I pray to be proven wrong.
I liked the Darkcoin name as well, but nobody would see the name in the way I thought it should be seen. Though I used to argue to keep the name, at least 6 months ago I changed my mind. I had no illusions that we would have sudden adoption just because we changed our name. Instead, I think most of us were thinking about the future. Crypto currencies are still relatively unknown. Even Bitcoin has a teeny tiny slice of commerce, and that's only for a click of enthusiasts.
The name change was for the future. By the time that future arrives, no one will remember "Darkcoin" except the historians. And at that time, a "Positive and happy" name like DASH will serve us very well where as "Darkcoin" would have been dead in the water.
You see, it became very apparent already a year ago that DASH was the only contender as a real currency. Reference all the reasons by looking up Toknormal's little lectures, he hits it right on the head and says it all so much better than I ever could. Then look up Minotaur's posts, because he has written on other reasons why DASH is the only possible future to cryptos. Bitcoin will only become a counter-party tool. The Banks that will be employing Bitcoin have no interest in using it as a currency, only as a tool for business as usual, but a bit cheaper.
So just because the name change hasn't catapulted DASH into wide spread real world use yet means nothing. That is a silly and unrealistic hope. DASH is still actively being developed and is only nearing completion, really DASH 1.0. The complete package is not finished yet (thought there will always be development, a stable and complete system that has been used and tested over time is still to come) And think on this, we have yet to actually start a marketing campaign. Our voluntarily, group funded intro to DASH video is almost finished (animations are being hashed out now) And it will only be the start of introducing DASH to the world.
You see, DASH still has it's eyes on the prize. It still aims to be a
currency that replaces the faulty and heavily manipulated fiat currencies of the world.