Took a loss on my long on DASH. Will see if the 0.001 Area holds like last time and maybe buy it there. So far every support level is broken.
Short term bearish. Similar situation going on with XMR
I am so sad. Was it Darkcoin that took such a hit I'd be buying left and right. With this (yet) undefined thingy called dash (arrgghhh) I look at my paper loss and wonder does it make any sense to stay invested with something that does not excite me anymore.
And I used to be a cold-hearted investor who never gets emotionally attached to an investment. Look at me now ==> I lost my only real crypto love, Darkcoin, and am pining for it, still trying to warm up to its successor, but its is not happening, it is not happening...
I think Evan has huge plans for DASH. If you wanted it to stay a niche dark market coin, I'm pretty sure you're going to be disappointed. If you want it to take over the world, then you'll want to stay here. It can't take over the world with a name like Darkcoin.
Um, yah, take over the world, or a good chunk of it. I'ts ok, you can call me crazy
I don't mind
What the world needs is a total paradigm shift, "a global revolution in the sphere of human consciousness," as Václav Havel, the Czech President, said
addressing a Joint Session of the U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C. on February 21, 1990 and not some meek tweak on existing monstrosity. (electronic cash - digital dash)
I never understood "a niche dark market coin" argument. Dash could be used for same nefarious purposes as cash or Darkcoin or any other means of exchange. Trepidation, fueled by the Foundation vague fears of undefined dangers and vague non-committal non-promises from unnamed retailer and no-named exchanges, that created "re-branding" revealed the biggest weakness of this project: not its tech genius, its lack of character.
Do not get me wrong - Evan seems as a fantastic human being (charcter) and many guys and girls involved, you included, are the main reason why I am still here, and why I nibbled back to the point of owning (almost) the same number of "dash" as I had Darkcoins -- but the project itself that wants to be everything for everyone, while that "everyone" does not even know about existence of it, seems and feels as totally wrong approach.
Well, perhaps I would've told that to Bill Gates when he spoke about a personal computer on every desk, like in, who'd need that, I have no clue, but I was always very good in gauging the potential of a project and its possible outcome. Here and now I really have no clue does Dash have any real chance of succeeding. I really don't.
I wish it to succeed, after all I own a chunk of it and it would be nice to profit from it, but something does not smell right.
I am not forgetting enormous potential that is still here - just think of a remittance market (not an easy target to overcome, but huge to say the least) - and I can't foresee what sort of applications all of this could have in the real world and because of this weakness of mine, inability to predict, I am still on the fence.
We'll see, I guess...