Total Masternodes: 1358 = 1358 actives + 0 inactives (Last refresh: Tue Dec 09 2014 19:12:37)
Estimated daily payout for an active node (blocks with MN payments last 24h: 100%): 0.58 DRK/day (Last Refreshed: Tue Dec 09 2014 19:12:42)
OMG what is going on? Are the top 10 wallets moving funds to masternodes?
I follow various Darkcoin related statistics data for my fun and this is the
ONLY one I do not like. (aside the price that I don't get why is still as low as $2.25 or something). I raised the question, of coins being locked in the Masternode, wondering (hypothetically) what would happen if ALL the coins are locked out? Many a member told me it is too early to worry about it, and that pure economics would not allow any problems with it but I wonder / worry about LIQUIDITY!
hypothetically, if only us -
Darkcoin supporters - would buy the coins and at the end have ALL of them locked in MN, the value of one DRK could be a one million dollars for all I care, but who would buy the coin for a million? No one, I guarantee you. So, I might sell that one coin for a $1.00 (one dollar) in order to find a greedy buyer outside the community. And voila!, all the coins just lost 99.999999% of their value.
I don't buy an argument that scarcity would increase the price for the price itself is NOT, could NOT and SHOULD not be the only consideration.
I am currently at 28% loss with my Darkcoin investment. But I've also made 350% - in the last 30 days - on shorting Russian ruble on FOREX. (I'm sorry, our Russian friends, I hate to see how the Financial Crime Cartel is destroying your economy, but I could not let free money go away) So, if I cared ONLY about the price / profit, I'd convert all my coins into a more profitable investment (at least on the short run) and forget about freedom, privacy, anonymity, cheap remittance of currency that is currently at 12% for fiat garbage, according to the World Bank (a $540 Billion market) and all sort of incredible benefits e-Cash (Darkcoin) could provide to the people all over the world. But if this cash sits in my MN or in my wallet and does nothing else but provide me, and only me, with a coin or two "reward", and the Network with some security, damn... something indeed might be wrong.
Ponder this: as of today,
27.57% of ALL Darkcoins in circulation are already locked in Masternodes. On November 12th, less than a month ago, that percentage was
24.57% so the # of locked in coins outpaces the overall coins supply quite rapidly. [3% or for 40% on an annual basis] With the price as it is and the pace of MN growth we could see 50% off ALL coins being locked in Masternodes in less than six, perhaps four months.
This simply CAN'T be good! I defy anyone to explain me how the currency out the circulation is going to be beneficial for our future users?Not to harp on this comment more than anyone already has, but I think something additional to bear in mind... Remember that we are constantly generating new coins from mining and at some point the benefit to owning a MN decreases as the number of MNs increases. The math works out like this...
November 12th... total coins in circulation = ~4,850,000 * (1 - 24.57%) = 3,658,355 in "free" circulation
Right now ......... total coins in circulation = 4,929,372 * (1 - 27.57%) = 3,570,344 in "free" circulation
That means that a measly 88k coins were removed (net of those created) from circulation (currently this is only 1.8% of all coins... hardly something to panic over). Add to that we should be reaching an equilibrium number of MN owners now that we have clear visibility that we will eventually be receiving 60% rewards at some distant point in the future. This means that going forward, this should lead to a net increase in the number of DRK in "free" circulation as new coins are generated by miners. If the number of MNs increased this very moment to 4,929 (effectively wiping out almost all coins in circulation), ROI at the current 30% payout ratio would be a paltry 6.4% per year. The price of a coin would also likely be astronomical. I don't know about you, but Darkcoin requires a lot more than a 6.4% ROI for the high level of risk category of investment. I for one would bail out my coins if the ROI ever dropped below 15% or so. Of course, by the time any of this would happen, even more coins will be in existence, making the ROI in any "all coins invested in MNs" situation even lower than that 6.4% figure, making your scenario even more improbable. This is a non-issue that corrects itself through the constant generation of coins.