For anyone who's interested, a sneak peak at the next release of Darkcoin:
- Next release will go out in the next two days probably, I'm going with the community and calling it "The Onyx Release"
- It features mandatory, non-exploitable Masternode payments.
- Masternode payments are completely predictable now. I.e., if there's 2000 masternodes you can expect 1 payment every 4 days (divide the amount of nodes by the blocks per day to get your ROI).
- Masternode payments will go to 25% one week from release (non-manditory)
- Afterwards I encourage the community to find the pools still paying 20% and contact them to make sure they update their stratum before it's too late
- Masternode payments beyond that will increase to 30% in November, 35% in December and continue on until we get at least 3000 masternodes.
- Huge security updates to Darksend. It's much more robust and can take a beating.
It's a true proof-of-service setup now. Each new node has a 1 in N (total number of masternodes) chance of receiving a payment each block. After a payment, they must wait N blocks to receive another one (give or take 10%). There's no room for gaming the system because it's using math based off of the proof-of-work to prove the node won, plus you'd have to wait 15 confirmations each time you moved money around and that takes from your profit too.
Will enforcement be turned on for future increase in block reward? or will this be goodwill based? this is not really clear to me cuz of the 'non-mandatory'
Great work otherwise
With the new system reward increases and payee are enforced.
Mr Duffield,
I was going to send you a PM but I thought it better that everyone read this.
I have allowed my petty arguments with a few individuals to spill over into attacks on Darkcoin. For that I apologize.
Also, I am going to decline taking your 1000 DRK bet. I gave a friend a few btc to look through the code. If anything is found I'll send you the details. But realistically, we don't have the time or desire to spend on this. Like I said, I allowed my arguments with a few individuals to turn into an attack on your coin.
I'm done being negative towards Darkcoin. Darkcoin was the first coin I mined and the first coin I got involved with after a friend introduced me to Crypto last January/February. I actually feel bad for the way I've treated it.
So I'm back in! Setting up one masternode maybe more in the future. We'll see. I am going to support rather than attack Darkcoin from here on out.
Cryptsy just sent me my DRK! Masternode within the hour!
Ah, good. This is the shojayxt I love to read. I don't know how long this new "personality" will last, but it really doesn't concern me. Your posts never bothered me much, except when they got kinda spammy (5+ in a row); they just weren't
enjoyable to read.
When you first started running a masternode some months ago, the surrounding discussion really made my day (I found it absolutely hilarious, + all the DRK supporters shouting you down made it all the better).
If you're actually being genuine about this, I imagine some members will have a difficult time accepting you, but I try to not hold grudges.
This is the internet after all.