To look at the on book order flow presently isn't entirely a great reflection of what will be in the future.
I agree with you. I understand how this works.
My point is this: If you are just barely breathing, and then try to hold your breath for 3 minutes... There comes a point of no return. Maybe if you had been breathing normally up to that point, you could have pulled it off. But you're already starved for oxygen, and now you try to hold your breath for 3 minutes...
The market is already barely alive. Cutting off supply isn't going to have the usual effect of driving up value, and we've witnessed this to be true. People are just staying out. Look at Doge. Why can it hold value in useless pump of extreme inflationary coin? The extreme inflationary nature means it has liquidity... People can buy it and then use it without fucking themselves out of position.
We should stop seeing what we want to see and look at what is actually happening. The evidence is right there... We're just not seeing it because we think we know how this shit works. Clearly, we don't know what we think we know or doge would be 0.00000001 - it's not. So, the rules we think we know clearly aren't applying.
We're decreasing liquidity at a time when there is already a death rattle as a result of not enough liquidity...
Maybe I'm overstating it. I'm not trying to claim that what I'm saying is the path we're on. It sure a shit looks like it... But it looks like PPC should have a market cap of 0. It doesn't... So, what things look like, according the the rules we think we know; it isn't working that way. Crypto changed the fundamental way we thought about money, but I think we have arrived at the wrong conclusions because what we thought we knew is not happening, at all, not even close.