- Spork: True masternode payment enforcement and increasing masternode rewards
- Masternode Hardening, I've fixed over 10 vulnerabilities in Darksend that could have possibly caused DOS attacks
- Changed the way Masternode pinging works, using a timestamp calculated from the average block timestamp instead of the local time. This should fix some cases where nodes went offline after awhile.
- Added a simple list that will provide who gets paid on what blocks.
- Turned back on collateral transactions
- Added collateral to the queuing process (dsa and dsq protocol commands)
- Improved collateral strategy: Collateral is now paid in the form of mining fees. This creates a situation where to double spend the inputs, you would need to pay the miners higher fees then 0.1DRK (the collateral fee). This makes it impossible to double spend attack our collateral system.
- New command "masternode winners", shows the next 20 payees
- New Darksend branding
What we need to test:
- If anyone gets hit with a collateral charge, please send your debug.log and wallet.dat to [email protected]
- "masternode winners" must always be in sync across the whole network. We'll need to figure out a way to test this
- Make sure the reward adjustment is working
- Make sure darksend is working properly
- Update pools and make sure the spork goes smoothly
What should we name this release?
A name for a version/release??
May be something simple : Darkcoin V1 ..!?
I thought the idea was to have fun with the names like Android releases... the media loves that... Darkcoin Supernova... or Darkcoin Iris or something
Well, let's get a bunch of options and someone make a poll. Then I'll just take whatever wins