The way this is traded makes me fucking sick. You dumpers are fucking scum.
DRK liquidity is shit-tier. 7000-8000 coins knocks the price of the coin 5%! What kind of weak investors/traders/liquidity providers do you have here?
Eh? BTC has 3x coin supply yet if you dump 21.000-24.000 BTC the effect on price will be "somewhat" larger. We also saw what happened after the FBI announced the 30k auction (mere announcement = -7.15%).
That's my point, DRK has 3x less market supply, and 80% (2880/3600) of the DRK coins compared to BTC produced monthly that 'need' to be bought. Even less because of the PoS reward structure to the masternodes, so it's really 64% of the BTC emission for DRK compared to BTC (2304/3600 daily). When compared to the total supply of each coins, 1.497% is what DRK increases its emission by each month (a value of 487 BTC). The bitcoin emission each month increases by 110k BTC/month, or .823% of the current emission. That's a value of 110k BTC/month. The total value of DRK made in a month is .443% that of bitcoin. This means that there needs to be at least 1 person interested in Darkcoin for every 123-223 people interested in Bitcoin for this to be a valid metric.
88k DRK coins need to find a home in the month. So far the price this month has gone from .006/.0065 to just past .009. That's about a 40% swing. That's waaaaaaay more than enough volatility to absorb the 88k coins in the month (1.87% of the currency) without spending or gaining any value at all. Even less because of the PoS from masternode rewards, so really only 70,400 DRK need to be 'purchased' by the market monthly (even less because of likely buyers purchasing directly from miners OTC). What's causing the massive swings, IMO is weak liquidity providers because their money is tied up in too many masternodes. Don't get me wrong, the nodes are great .. but a 40% maximum gain on 1000 DRK is a much better turnaround than the peanuts (comparatively) from running a masternode.
I think that the numbers are fair right now, but my point here is that I think the volatility gap can be bridged by using a % of your masternode money for market liquidity money. Make it competitive .. because there's provably a lot more money to be made by providing DRK liquidity than collecting the PoS reward right now. It's as if you whales are passing up free money