You can't really plead the 5th, or the fourth...
4th = Right to be secure and private in your papers an effects, etc... When violated, any evidence found becomes inadmissible. Never give up your 4th amendment.
5th = Cannot be forced to incriminate yourself. A.K.A. - SHUT THE FUCK UP. Blabbing never helps. Never consent to a search or seizure.
If you say anything at all, say "I do not consent to any search or seizure (reserving the 4th). Why am I being detained (acknowledges that detainment is already occurring and that there need be a reason for it - and there usually isn't)?"
Miranda is based upon the 5th... You can assert it, or give it up.
You can assert the 4th. A Plea is technically not something you can do with any of your Rights...
"Present and argue for (a position), especially in court or in another public contex" being an American, I can't really assert against the US Constitution, so I'm arguing for privacy.
(lame, I know. I might change to assert. Sleeping on it)
By our legal system, a plea is declaration of one's course on choosing to argue against the prosecution, or not. When one stands accused by the guvthugs in their corrupt and rigged courtrooms, you can "plead" guilty, not guilty, or no contest.
If you have not given up your 4th and 5th Amendment Rights, then the arrogance and stupidity of the cops usually gets you out of any and all evidence they may have found while violating said rights. If you blabbed or gave them consent to search, there's nothing you can do no matter how sloppy they may have been.
Not that these rules are followed much in the last 15 years or so. Usually the court proceedings are just a formality to make the pre-determined conclusions seem as though a legal process were involved. Most court proceedings are no longer public, juries are falsely advised by judges usurping power, laws are just plain made up on the spot based on political agenda, and physical evidence is not even considered when it contradicts the lies of cops. Generally, you never make it to a courtroom, the cops just kill everyone present and make up whatever story they want.
DRK keeps the "follow the money" approach from being possible for them in their fabrications. You'll find that 'follow the money' is how they do 99% of their dirty work. Pretty much anyone who ever made a bank deposit or withdrawal is automatically guilty by the means they've expanded the idea of monetary evidence. They can convict you of pretty much anything they want, even if there is no evidence of a crime, just by getting a copy of your bank records and saying "Look, money! This person is a drug dealer/was paid to be a hitman/is a prostitue/child porn." Petty much anything they want. IF they can show money went in or our of your bank account, they can manufacture a reason with no evidence of any kind, and it's considered proof just because the prosecutor said it. People have been convicted of murder with no body, no dead person, no evidence of any kind other than the prosecutor's assertion that the bank statement was hitman payment.
DRK takes away their ability to see your money, so they can't do that anymore.