Well isn't this interesting!
http://adamsblog.aperturelabs.com/2013/01/fun-with-masked-roms.htmlBy the way, has anyone heard anything about the direction that is currently being considered for the ''Darktor'' idea, I think it will change the world if it becomes a Web 3.0 - a Safenet people connect to when they want to be secure online for everyday transactions and anonymity (with its own secure minimal fee People's Exchange) and a secure real, non leveraged and sustainable investable currency.
After all, as more and more business is conducted online, data theft relating to identity theft will be a major concern.
Why do your internet shopping or browsing on the old internet where you could get compromised if you can do it safely? It also provides an obvious direction for approaching different parties to help bring this to all corners of the world. Promote the whole package new safe internet package, it began with Evan coding, led to a coin, led to the best coin, led to a dream, led us to our hearts...
As for names...
Iris sounds cool but it also in my opinion might sound a bit scary like a government program or something like this and could also be seen as a little video game sounding - Connecting through Iris - But I play video games occasionally and very much enjoy them...
Freedom was fought for by all our ancestors, many sacrificed and died so that others could live and so that we could live today - I believe it is our responsibility to honour the path of Freedom, to honour those who have come before, to honour ourselves, so we may see that honour shine through the eyes of the children who will one day be, in this beautiful world, a force of loving change to make us proud.
People have been discussing the creation of a new internet for a while now, many banks and such have their own secure nets. The world need's a People's Internet, because the world is about the world and it's people. In the past and still today, wars have been fought for land and water. Let us hope the current status quo governments of today remember the cost of today's freedom, and that they are the one's that start wars, or they can use the love in their heart centres as people (they are people too and deserve the love that is their truth) to guide the world away from the things it doesn't need. Sometimes our ancestors had to fight for their freedom, let us hope no persons on this earth ever succeed in stopping freedom to connect to the internet, freedom to educate yourself freely and according to your own path. Freedom to live prosperously and to any conduct or way of being, of thinking and creating, as long as it does not harm another's right to the same. This is not hard, it is our natural state before our mental gets governed.
A new internet designed to be safe from data theft is legitimate, designed with its own anonymous currency. The masternodes allow us to sustainably distribute it to all the people of the world. How much better could it possibly get, for everyone, for the whole world? And then we can be happy promoting it as the truth it really is, an evolution of freedom on our world, because freedom will always evolve, because we will make sure it survives, and survival requires evolution. And that seem's to often lead to beauty... Namaste my friends.
Another side thought, what if instead of making the new internet for porno, we made it for everything except pornography. I know it is contrary to what was proposed. What coins said got me thinking, but what if instead we relegated porn to the old internet only.
This way, people who want to watch pornography online can keep getting tracked like today ( they still do it right?
) this will ensure that pedophiles get caught because they will be excluded from possibly hiding. If anyone tries to put porno on the new web, it is immediately blocked and removed
I would also like to mention people don't pay to watch porno anymore. All this should automatically get people's support. This should be almost an automated process friends, or at the very least semi-automated.