can we please stop with the whining !!!
the prices is this, the price is that, the dev should do this and that ....
everything is on track, leave Evan alone, the man is deep into his coding (exactly where he is supposed to be)
you bitching about the price ?!
Well do something !
get involved, it is now on the community to get the next steps into place before open source, RC5 and everything else starts kicking.
Now is your time to be proactive
- Help out on Open Bazaar (thread on DRKtalk) to get DRK accepted
- Contact 'anonymous' suggest DRK to them
- Get in touch with people who might need and understand Anonymous Transaction (think about it, there are a lot out there)
- Contact these guys and see if they wanna be involved with us,46196.html
- Spread the word on social media
- .....
all of this , and mainly Merchant adoption of DRK would help us, you and the price a LOT
So get on it NOW
We can't really start the push in earnest until the code is open-source. I'm sure merchants would love to adopt it, but a lot are hesitant because they hear it isn't totally open-source.
I hear you,
but open source is coming soon,
so we could prep a PR push by
collection contacts
working out a plan who to contact
maybe make 1st contact already (as an introduction)
i am just sick of this baby talk out here
ohhhh the market
ohhhh the dev
ohhhh my dixx is shrinking .....>
proactive is the keyword