I don't want to sound like a whiner, but I'm going to whine, LOL.
I don't get it, why is lightcoin worth $5.50+ right now? What the heck? Why?
And darkcoin in a hole... yah....
And I really wish I understood statistics so I could figure out what the chances of being found out are for 3, 5 and 8 rounds of darksend?
Finally, I agree with the guys above. Auditing takes a long time if you do a thorough job of it, and we (the community) wanted a job well done. Kristov has a moral obligation to us, foremost and primarily. His coins are his to do with as he likes, including selling off asap if he thinks they're not up to snuff so he can cash in before he sends in his verdict.
How else are we going to pay him? This makes his obligation to us, though he gives his report to our CEO, our CEO did not pay him, and shouldn't control his loyalty, we should.
Now I have a crazy idea. What would happen if you could, along with denominating your coins as it is now, darksend them with a front end mixer like it was? Man, I'd think that would be incredibly messed up! How could anyone/thing follow the bread crumb trail then?
Also, I think I glimpsed a question about the blockchain getting bigger. Yah, I think it'll probably be getting.... guessing.... 5% bigger/faster than a "normal" block chain (pulling out of my @$$, but...) But the thing is, we're planning to have masternodes serve up the blockchain for our users (also will still need to be on hand for miners) So eventually, users will only need to use a lightweight blockchain while the miners and masternodes will keep the ledger decentralized and in check. (and of course, anyone else who wishes to keep a copy).
Also, stonehedge, anyone could at least study the way DS works, or get someone they trust to look into it and get at least the idea reviewed for themselves. True, you can't see if the code has flaws, but you can extensively test it in testnet (without any risks) and see how it performs. So I think your financial dude is a bit myopic and not seeing the big picture. We are also a small community here. We know whom we trust (really trust) and it's as good as we can get it. Yet, I'll bet my life, yes my life, that we as a community can figure out whom to trust better than any business out there in the "normal world".
All pump and dumpers are scammers trying to bleed newbs. That's the only way money gets into the system for them to win. They always hurt crypto coins when they do that as well, all cryptos. But there are bad players everywhere, and I dare say the subject is easily written on every wall, all over the floors and on the ceilings, so anyone who gets burned in that game should have known better. Point being, we have all kinds here, yet as in the real world (outside cryptos) we, as a whole, can figure out what's what
I think you're on the right lines TanteStefana but the thing is that for us to succeed with DRK, we need to attract people who might not necessarily know what a code review or open source is or actually means. These are the kind of people who need to be able to see an easy to use service and not need to know about how masternodes work or understand what Kristov comes out with. These are the people who need a method of payment like Darkcoin and decide to use it. Unfortunately, these are the people most at risk of FUD in my opinion.
As for my banker friend, as JGCMiner points out, he has probably missed an opportunity to get in relatively early and as you point out he is being a touch myopic but that is the way he has to be. He isn't your average joe DRK user, he wants to buy 20k or 30k DRK and sit on them for a few years. For him to invest a similar amount into a startup business (which is his second hobby, after driving up London property prices) he would need to see a code review by somebody who didn't have a vested interest in the success of the business. Myopic for sure but rest assured that my banker friend (MBF from now on!) misses plenty of opportunities and also makes plenty of bad investments too. He has his rules and sticks to them. One of his rules is that compliance is non negotiable.
I noted a few people up thread saying companies pay for auditors to come in and always will. That is correct but this is slightly different in that the auditor is independent and being rewarded by the potential success of the product he is auditing. It is not the same as Evan saying here's $2k to come and do a code audit. This is the DRK community inadvertently saying please come and review our code and if its good, you will earn a lot more money than if its bad. This is not cool in the real world. I only really raised it as an issue on this thread because I'm not sure if people realise what it could look like to potential investors/service users who might consider getting involved with DRK when they hear of it but don't know who Eduffield is and don't know their masternodes and DRK community from their asses.
Anyway, this current low price stability is reassuring and I'm just frustrated that I'm as invested as I possibly can be and not have a divorce on my hands
The code review will be of value to darkcoin and to the community but I doubt it is going to attract much outside attention. This will come after RC5 when Evan and his compadres launch their marketing machine into full swing. We're still testing a new service and we are privileged to be involved so early on.
Last time I contributed on here I caused offence by insinuating that some people were liars because they were reporting lost funds and bugs on here but refusing to report them to bitcointalk or on Jira. Sorry if I have caused any offence by opening a discussion on the code review. S ometimes it is good to look at something that you have emotional and financial investment in with an independent with experience (like MBF). I was just reporting back on his thoughts.
For what its worth, he loves the masternode concept and will keep an eye on things in the future. I think he has a DRK price ticker on his phone and google news alerts set up now
you know crypto is still a play ground and action is around the corner.. I would like to see the statistics on how many got into crypto before the age of 20. It does make sense..
since it's the perfect candidate.
for real I say bye bye 50$wroom....eeeeYhhrR Crash moon thx bye. As statistics shows you are not succesful as a trader if you are not learning how to trade downtrend, Crypto is for making money - The Miners. Crypto is for supporting and being a part of a righteous future. I'm rich. I don't care. I will play for this amount, these mind sets are currently in majority hence they are sitting with the money. The money that entered one way leaves in another, with dynamic tempus which is. If you are not init for the fundamentals you are either in it for the money, or money and fundamentals. IF you are in it for the money you will do good. If you are init for the money and fundamentals - you are a weak hand; you will trade with your heart and will switch crytpo as a teenage girl gets crushes on gay boy bands. You do not know how to trade in a downtrend and always greed out at a loss. If you are init for the fundamentals simply put up your node and go meditate.