I don't get it, why is lightcoin worth $5.50+ right now? What the heck? Why?
And darkcoin in a hole... yah....
And I really wish I understood statistics so I could figure out what the chances of being found out are for 3, 5 and 8 rounds of darksend?
Finally, I agree with the guys above. Auditing takes a long time if you do a thorough job of it, and we (the community) wanted a job well done. Kristov has a moral obligation to us, foremost and primarily. His coins are his to do with as he likes, including selling off asap if he thinks they're not up to snuff so he can cash in before he sends in his verdict.
How else are we going to pay him? This makes his obligation to us, though he gives his report to our CEO, our CEO did not pay him, and shouldn't control his loyalty, we should.
Now I have a crazy idea. What would happen if you could, along with denominating your coins as it is now, darksend them with a front end mixer like it was? Man, I'd think that would be incredibly messed up! How could anyone/thing follow the bread crumb trail then?
Also, I think I glimpsed a question about the blockchain getting bigger. Yah, I think it'll probably be getting.... guessing.... 5% bigger/faster than a "normal" block chain (pulling out of my @$$, but...) But the thing is, we're planning to have masternodes serve up the blockchain for our users (also will still need to be on hand for miners) So eventually, users will only need to use a lightweight blockchain while the miners and masternodes will keep the ledger decentralized and in check. (and of course, anyone else who wishes to keep a copy).
fernando on the darkcointalk.org has the statistical percentages given various rounds and masternode counts.