Darkcoin has clearly been on a downward trend since March 23 2014,
Why do you guys think this will change and you'll go back to the moon?
I mean... 4 months of this coins 8 month life has been all bad.
Why now?
And dont feed me RC4 please as its clearly a last ditch effort to drive up the price so the last of the premined coins can be offloaded to new bagholders.
So, anyone care to answer my question?
So quick answer Bob why its down, there is many, people need money apparently to pay rent, people are day trading, people are just wanting to take break, and some have no stomach for the high stakes... really though there are many books and literature by far more educated people then me explaining the psychology of trading and the investors mind, its no one simple answer as im sure our friends at BTC know well.... do you want to be the guy to tell everyone that BTC will never be worth 1200.00 based on your winning strategy? Bob?
Why will it go up.... ummm again Bob, as. a successful guru of wealth it would be self evident to you why Drk will go up because youve done your research and homework... being a guru and a learnt man, right, Bob, youve had meaningful dialog with the developers and pm memebers on nailing down hard questions... right Bob a guru of your status would do this, Bob...
So Bob, im going to make this prediction here today... that drk will surpass $50.00/drk in under 2 year If this crypto ecosystem is still here. Yes Bob... 2 years... i realize that this is far beyond your speed trading system... sorry Bob... its ur syatem. Bob.