Can I have a question that seems very basic but can't get an answer to it... How many miners are required for the coin to function? Is it 1% of the current hashes? What is the mining rate after which there is little benefit for the coin? 10%? 50%? Do not get me wrong, I am not trying to suggest we could have done with less miners - I am just being curious
And sorry if this sounds stupid to you
I'm pretty sure a single mid-range GPU could comfortably service the whole bitcoin network in realtime, and never break 50 celsius.
The POW concept revolves around decentralisation - it doesn't take much compute power to chuck a few numbers around the blockchain, but you need it distributed to prevent one party or one bloc swamping the rest - the 51% attack.
The investment needed to generate coins - by miners and in our case by MN ops, is one of the things that lends a coin value - if it's cost you £x to generate y coins, you probably wont want to be selling them for <£x.
Great, thank you for such a nice clear explanation!