All I can say is that DRK is doing something right if miners are getting upset.
They are the biggest bunch of lazy, hypocritical parasites I've ever come across on bitcointalk.
We are the core of the network performing the basic functions for anyone using Darkcoin, yet you call us lazy hypocritical parasites? because of a few annoying people? Quite disrespectful to say the least. You're engaging with trolls, and in the process you're actually upsetting genuine supporters/miners.
I've put a lot of work and money in my mining setup supporting what I believe to be first true altcoin (despite issues). I only started somewhere in March 2014, mining Litecoins mostly. It was the only cryptocurrency with some interest to me aside from Bitcoin, but I soon discovered a really interesting cryptocurrency called 'Darkcoin'. I actually bothered to sign up for this forum, mostly to be part of Darkcoin.
However, mining DRK hasn't been profitable at all (for me) and requires a lot of money, time and dedication. Some of the crappiest coins ever are still more profitable to mine than DRK. The price would still need to rise a lot for me to just break-even. I could mine other coins that are more profitable and exchange them for DRK, I could ride the scam waves, but I won't. I want to be part of DRK. I do it with tremendous pride being part of this incredible evolution (and community), despite the money I loose on it. I've learned so many interesting things due to cryptocurrency and this has more value to me than 'profit', but I'm not blind to 'profit'. It is an element of the equation, which should not be ignored.
In my opinion, setting up and running a MN is rediculously easy and is very profitable compared to mining, even in the future with ~2000 MN's. It's a profitable operation within a matter of days (worst case scenario). Mining is profitable maybe after a year, maybe more, maybe never. It's certainly not the smartest/most profitable way to "invest". When RC4 is out and fully working, I should actually consolidate my rigs and convert the money into a masternode and not ever worry again about my electricity bill. 5$/month for hosting cost, all the rest is profit. I currently pay close to €250/month to keep my 45 MH/s infrastructure running, earning me less than 1 DRK/day. Not complaining, just telling you my side of the story.
There is a difference between 'profit' and 'revenue'. Incentive to mine DRK has always been very low due to it's specific supply/distribution algorithm ánd still is today due to it's maintained high net hashrate versus low price. Why is Darkcoin always listed near the bottom of Right, cause it's not profitable to mine unless you have a rediculously low kWh price (I'm paying more than $0.1/kWh). Also, I'm not a trader, I'm yet to sell my first Darkcoin and I'm not going to for a very long time. Would prefer to actually use them some day.
Some Dark believers are more upsetting than an entire team of trolls. Nothing trolls say could ever make me change my mind about what I'm currently doing. Evan is doing something truely exceptional, introduced X11 chained algorithms for PoW to enhance the security of the network and Proof of Service masternodes providing a much needed level of anonimity which I consider the biggest flaw in Bitcoin. It's effectively a working "Proof of Stake" model and it will go beyond the current 'added value'. I couldn't care less about the 20% reward masternode owners get. This '20% cut' out of the mining revenue will some day be proven to be irrelevant, as MN's create a lot of additional value. It's an eco-system based on incentives and the reasoning should be correct. Price should go up and eventually even out your earnings as a miner. No reason to get upset over this, as long as it remains within certain limits, I'm totally fine with it. It's true that it is currently biased towards MN's, but this is also required to get things going. Marginal profitability for MN owners would not have gotten us to +600 MN's already. I get that.
I'm sure that many merchants will implement DRK as a payment method, once the core functionality has been proofed. Everybody knows we're still in the core development phase. I'm still extremely 'bullish' on DRK and will continue to be. Stop fighting trolls and help the Darkcoin team @
Regarding my previous post: so it is unfortunately 100% effective to mine on non-compliant pools, as long as enforcement is not activated. OK. No retro-active orphaning due to enforcement. Good to have this clarified. I'm still learning every day about blockchain technology and novel features of DRK are not always explained enough in detail for me. Thanks to those who replied. For the record, I'm obviously mining at a compliant pool and will continue to do so.