Crypto is the anarchist version of money. WTF are you doing using it? Or on this forum for that matter? Think about it. You are for government and regulation where as crypto is free market regulated by the market. No central authority issuing it. Decentralization is the complete opposite how government works today.. Every post that you make in this forum is a validation for crypto and decentralization.
You couldn't be more wrong. Bitcoin will soon be traded as an ETF on NASDAQ under the symbol COIN. Since when did Wall Street cozy up with anarchists? The number one cryptocurrency in existence is Bitcoin and it's going mainstream. You can entertain your flawed ideals all you want but the fact of the matter is cryptocurrency's that fail to go mainstream and exist only to hide transactions will never be more than just a very small part of cryptocurrency going forward. Sure some people will embrace anonymity but that will never be more than just a small percentage. There is an argument that businesses will use anonymous cryptocurrencies as a way to prevent competitors from knowing what they are doing. That argument is completely wrong because businesses need records of their financial transactions and publicly traded companies have to open their books for audits. The only people that will be using anonymous cryptocurrencies will be criminals, drug dealers/buyers, money launderers, and paranoid anarchist types. Most people will use cryptocurrency to buy things from retailers like or pay their Dish Network bill using bitcoin. There will still be a place for a coin like Darkcoin. But it will never be mainstream and will only be used by a few. The majority of people have nothing to hide and don't feel the need to live in the shadows.
Sorry to spoil your fantasy but big money from the types of players that are the opposite of anarchy are already driving the cryptocurrency car.
I'm on this forum because it's BITCOINTALK not anarchisttalk
I put everything I make trading/mining altcoins into bitcoin for the long term. Altcoins will come and go but Bitcoin is here to stay and will remain the leader indefinitely without the need for anonymity.
Dude you've graduated to dipshit idiot. The same fucking argument was used to denounce Bitcoin when I was promoting it. Yet here the fuck you are the same person now promotes bitcoin and denouces mainstream acceptance of privacy-altcoins.. The level of RETARD knows no limits.
You think billionaires/millionaires want their wealth visible for the world to see? Why do you think there are places like the Cayman Islands/Bahamas/Swiss which main source of income comes from a privacy-focused banking industry for the worlds elite.
Ohhh that's right you're a PIG you don't know any wealthy people.