Here's the thing. Even if people were to get full payments, will running a masternode still be a good investment? I could take the same amount of btc that people have tied up in a masternode and likely make 10% in a week based on previous returns. How many DRK would I get in a week running a masternode? It would take around 100 DRK for me to see the same kind of returns. If I don't see an increase in profit then I'm not tying my capital up running a masternode. And I'm sure that there are masternode operators that feel the same way. If masternode profits don't meet expectations people will simply shut it down, sell DRK, and make profit somewhere else.
And I know that running a masternode is all about profit from reading the posts in this thread. Profit profit profit was the selling point and buzz word for the reason to host a masternode. Better hope that the profit meets expectations or those nodes will be going down right and left.
Actually, not everyone can "day trade". I can't. I tried it and lost, a lot, half the coins I sold. I would never ever have thought at any point going down this last run, that It would continue. I still don't know. Knowing my luck, I would have sold at 0.017 and it would climb to 0.1. I am not taking chances. Masternodes are a way to increase my holdings without much risk (sans loss of value). The increase will be moderate in crypto world, but substantial in the regular banking world. And though profits will go down as more people run MNs, it should remain a pretty good interest rate for some time to come. As long as we have enough MNs to run DarkSend, all is well. Besides, I'm hoping there will be other services MNs will provide, and the fees from those services will hopefully make it even more profitable.
So, yah, I know people make lots of money trading, but for people like myself, it's not worth the risk. I'm also different because I love this project. Some of us just really love this project. I won't lie, if I had a pulse on the ups and downs of the market, I'd be buying and selling drk, heck I'd buy and sell other coins to increase my drk holdings. I have nothing but envy and jealousy for those who can do that! Trust me, I could use the money-badly, LOL. But I prove to myself over and over that I have no clue, so I'll play it safe. This is the right thing for me
In the end any investor needs to be responsible to themselves and make their own decision on how they want to invest. For some, they can't even look at cryptos, it's too weird for them. I was hoping my mother would be interested, she loves the stock market, and I thought it might be something we could do together, I was hoping she could tell me how to trade, but she can't wrap her head around it, LOL. I can't blame her, she's no spring chicken. Though anyone who lived through the Great Depression, no matter where in the world, ought not to have any faith in fiat, but I guess it's worked for her most of her life, LOL
Ok, enough babble, I gotta go, LOL