Currently the only coin that can actually be used for purchases of any significance in the real world is bitcoin and it will likely remain that way for some time. Even if they get all the bugs worked out for the masternode network, where are you going to spend DRK? Legitimate retailers are already moving towards bitcoin as is venture capital and wall street. It's all fine and dandy to root for your team, in this case coin. But people need to realize that there is not a venue to use this coin at. The anonymity will prevent a majority of vendors from all sectors from using it. And cryptonote coins have more apeal for the btc rich old timers that rarely venture outside of their bitcoin world. I see Darkcoin as a neat experiment without any practical application once it's finished other than providing masternode operators some income at the expense of the lowly miner.
I think you're almost perfectly wrong here. BTC has seen truly pitiful retailer/b2b adoption because it's an open book. DRK lets businesses transact almost freely (who likes paying credit card processors, or, gods forbid, paypal?) and maintain their privacy at the same time. I think places to spend DRK will be appearing at a far faster rate than with BTC.
You're both right because you're both wrong.
It is the intrinsic qualities of crypto in general, and BTC's First Mover advantage that give BTC it's position and acceptance.
It does suck for transparency. But it is the only show in town and the value inherent to crypto trump it's failings, so it remains the only show in town.
Being the only show in town is a false statement. But it appears true to the unwashed masses because they don't understand altcoins, and so many are shitcoins that the few that dabble usually don't step into the hot tub.
Until some creme rises to the top, the 'good enough' and widely entrenched will still rule. So, the fact that stupid people exist makes BTC effectively the only show in town. It is such a good thing and gets most of the job right, and until the ripples of it's shortcomings are more exposed and understood by the stupid masses, it will stay top dog.
Look at it this way. BTC is a 9 out of 10. Fiat is a 2. DRK is a 10. BTC gave the world such a huge improvement that most people still can't even wrap their head around BTC. How can you expect them to figure out the improvements made to BTC by DRK in such rapid succession? They haven't even figured out 1/10th of BTCs benefits yet. The majority are still choosing denial and name-calling because they don't want to admit that they can't figure it out. I still see the amazingly fucking dumb argument of "but it's not backed by anything" and "it hasn't got a central issuing authority" bandied about... Spectacularly fuckin' stupid! Until the majority figures out that these are good things, not bad things, there's no chance for them to move on to even better things.
these are people for whom using a smartphone is a joke... They can't use it. They have no fucking clue what to do with it. They just want to look cool; the iPhone market. This is why GuvCoin/CoerCoin will never exist; you can't force people to comply with a technology they are hopelessly unable to understand. It would be like passing a law forcing everyone to be physicists. The politicians themselves would all end up in prison becasue they would prove their own stupidity and violation of that law by passing that law in the first place...
It's the same as the Huxley vs Orwell argument. They've both wrong because they're both right... It isn't one idea or the other. It's both at the same time... The Huxlian begets the Orwellian, and vice versa.
You're both right and wrong.
The great unwashed don't need to have a clue if the bright (and greedy) minds adopt crypto on a wider scale. When ebay and Amazon start accepting BTC, Joe Dunderhead is eventually going to take notice, particularly if he gets a 1% discount because that business passes on some of the savings. That 2.5% CC surcharge is going to be a thing of the past. And because DRK is built on top of the Bitcoin protocol, it's trivial for any business to accept both.
Of course this may not come to pass overnight, but I think it's inevitable. Businesses exist to make money, they'll murder their grannies for a 1% advantage. Particularly when times are hard and margins are paper thin.
I'm forging a path - right now I accept payment in DRK or BTC only for my services.