No one here is interested in your opinions since you are biased and have an agenda. You think you are smarter than everyone else, but you are not. If you would have known about Darkcoin on time you would be our strongest supporter, would be trolling other threads with the same passion. So just go away you have 0 credibility. Newcomers and onlookers are smart and can see through you BS.
So this alternative coin has taken CoinJoin and is now taking off as it's own CryptoCurrency.
Many "speculators" believe that the Bitcoin core will never have CoinJoin implemented allowing for a huge chunk of the future market to be taken by this new coin.
Why is that? Do the Bitcoin core developers have an aversion to this technology?
I was very hopeful because of CoinJoin but it seems that it's now taboo in Bitcoin circles. We need this private transaction feature in the core client yesterday.
I find it funny that all the cutting edge tech some Bitcoin developers are making (CoinJoin) are not going to be implemented into the core and are just left on a silver platter for our competitors.
How does this make sense? Is there a technical reason that makes CoinJoin flawed? Or is it to appease uncle sam?
Zerocash is an entirely new way of anonymizing transactions but relies on an accumulator and new mathematics. Zero was developed at an Israeli university.
Coinjoin is less exotic and simply pools large amounts of same denominated transactions together and relies on core bitcoin transaction functions, no new math needed. Coinjoin was developed here by core bitcoin developers.
Now Darkcoin has simply taken all of the work done on Coinjoin because they feel that the lead developers of Bitcoin are scared of adding Coinjoin into the main client for fear of angering the USA.
I can understand if Coinjoin has some technical issue why it can't be put into the Bitcoin core, but how can there be when an entire Currency is using Coinjoin right now?
Drawingthesun Trolling Bytecoin
I have an idea on that. I support the coin because Bytecoin was developed by someone who is capable of creating breakthrough innovations. The coin is alive, the devs are still contributing. I prefer supporting the team, which has the expertise to push this technology forward. After all, there wouldn't be Monero at all if there was no Bytecoin.
The word "fair" is highly subjective. Fair for whom? It's the information asymmetry that drives our world. If nobody bothered to notify you personally on the release of a brilliant new technology, it doesn't make the launch unfair. I've been writing already that there was something in Monero's backyard, so here we have QCN. This story will always be recursive as there're always be those that are dissatisfied with distribution of wealth, resources, or knowledge.
And you know, it doesn't really bother me which CryptoNote coin succeeds. The more significant thing is to keep innovative track. I hope Monero will join this real race, not the imaginary one.
This thread is full of posts that suggest people to mine Monero over BCN, but I have always steered clear of them and have told them to leave this thread alone.
I don't support BCN clones for the same reason I don't support Bitcoin clones.
Creating a clone and brag about 'fair distribution' is easy. Come to me when you 'innovate' something and you've got my hash power.
Sure thing, and what you're doing is ok. (as long as you don't deceive people)
I just want people to know what they are getting into.
If a newcomer is ok mining a coin with 80% pre-mine then cool, but please don't deceive them!
If you guys add to the Bytecoin homepage and the front page of this thread:
"Bytecoin has been mined for 1.8 years but was only made known to the world a few months ago. Enjoy the ride"
Then I will leave your thread alone!