i have 141 drk bought in under $1 think i will hodl
Holding is wise, and I really wish I *never* sold any earlier (thanks for all the bad advice everyone in crypto-land), or I would be paying off my mortgage now. This is the most innovative crypto out there, at least in terms of how it can have real world use, soon, and massive demand. It also keeps increasing in value based on the continued development by the one of the very best devs out there. Anyone that has followed DRK closely knows this. It didn't reach #3 by blind luck, but by lots of hard work.
Seriously, we pretty much just expect amazing innovations with DRK, and Evan keeps delivering. The trolls should really stop complaining and buy while it is still cheap. Yes, cheap.
Take masternodes for example, initially they may generate a few hundred a month income, not shabby. As they increase the scarcity of the coin, and if, as likely, this gets real world use and buying pressure from being used on the Darknet, this could potentially go up to thousands in income per month. So, with a few thousand invested, potentially, one could have an income for many years. If DRK in time passes LTC, then really, the panic buying will begin in earnest. In time, a few hundred DRK may be like buying a few hundred BTC last year. Heck, just hold a couple and see what happens, what have you got to lose? A few dollars?
Besides, I am sure we all recall the nonsense about BTC last year going to zero, a tulip, beanie baby, and all that nonsense. The brave ones, or those that had the extra money and bought early, really are living well now. I knew DRK was a winner when I first started trading for it, but I was starting from almost nothing. A fraction of a BTC. Business debts, bad economy, needing to sell just to get by. Things are different now as I have learned to see the value in cryptos, and to tell which are likely to win and which will lose. Dark is my favorite and always has been, I keep telling people, and they keep repeating the same bad advice. To sell. To take your profits... to not be greedy. To just get by. Personally, I am not going to listen to any more bad advice.