I never said that it would be de-listed from all places, obviously you can never fully kill crypto, that's what makes it great. what i was saying is that it could very well be de-listed from ALL MAJOR EXCHANGES. which won't kill the coin, but it will greatly affect it's value.
The reason i think that there's a strong chance for it to be de-listed is for the same reason that you all think is so amazing, darksend. darksend is a direct threat to many establishments in the world. setting aside my own beliefs as to weather this is a good thing or not, the trader in me is seeing the big picture. and in that big picture i simply do not see all of the different organizations worldwide which try to stem the corruption of money laundering to simply turn a blind eye to darksend, if it proves successful.
I think that it's simply hippy naivite which keeps people chanting that darksend is so amazing, without the perception that there will be large forces at work who would not want to see something like darksend succeed. and as much as i've like to see crypto take over the world, trust me darksend will "stir the pot" one hell of a lot more than i am here on this thread simply trying to talk rationally.
DRK is great for X11, and DGW. there is a large possibility that darksend could be detrimental.
you don't have to agree with me, but try to understand the point i'm making.
I agree with most people that if it were taken off all major exchanges, it would simply explode in price. You refuse to even acknowledge this, so I have to ask ... friend or troll?