Just to give an update to users in here, no need to panic, no coins were affected as this was only hung cron-jobs.
They have been fixed, we even issued double payouts for a bunch of blocks, so enjoy the extra coins as a compensation!
This is bullshit. You did NOT send out double payout for blocks. Double payment simply happened because you've had DB issue AGAIN!
You're saying people have had issues with your service, and your reward by RANDOMLY awarding double payout for random blocks?!
Hell yeah, let me go point my miner at you right now! Random compensation for random block, for lucky winners? That is not compensation, that is a lottery. What about those who gain without loses, or theses who double loos by sheer bad "random compensation luck"?
Your backend is crap and you've been screwing with everyone's mining. This time, it double payed out. It was not intentional, or you'd have made a nice email or forum "spam" about it.
Nor did I receive an email from a admin expressing whatever feeling that they should double payout as compensation for downtime, locked payouts, stratum failure and constant DDoD's, all of which you've previously promised to have fixed and never happen again.
I've lost more mining to you guys than to scrypt-algo mining instability with 280x's peaking 85ºC and CGwatcher rebooting.
BE HONEST; DONT BULLSHIT, and people will understand that the world is not perfect and shit happens.
I don't like being bullshitted. You completely screwed me over twice, on a coin launch and with DRK.
I like your fronted GUI, mais je n'aime pas votre fausses promesses
tu as bien raison mon pote ! je passe sur la pool officiel