Ok, I have verified it works.
Start darkcoind on remote machine.
On your local machine specify the IP at launch with -masternodeaddr=YOUR_SERVER_IP
Unlock your local machine wallet with your passphrase.
On your local machine, ./darkcoind masternode start
Slickness indeed.
So you have to keep it running on another machine, presumably your home machine, with the wallet unlocked?
You don't have to keep your local machine's wallet unlocked permanently, or even open. Once the remote machine master node starts you can close the local machine's wallet and hide it away for safe keeping.
I look forward to this being officially explained with tutorial. But thanks for this!
But if we need 1000DRK on our local machine, or another server, to get the main master node running (which has 0 DRK), .... what is there to stop us making multiple nodes with empty wallets from one set of 1000 DRK.
All I can think is we need the 1000DRK wallet to start each empty master node running. Then use a different wallet with 1000DRK locally to fire up another one. I look forward to understanding more lol.
I think that you have to run both simultaneously. The advantage is that the IP of the machine containing 1000 DRK is not public.