thanks but that is pretty vague.. it seems like a
take the dev's word for it sort of thing..
as in did the dev on this or other coins simply make a mistake or did they do something on purpose.. there is no way to know.
unless your a mouthy fanboy bagholder of course.. they happen to have all the facts
and guys gimme a break with the troll name calling childish crap this is not high school
this is a financial industry with big money involved.. your a dipshit moron if you don't ask questions as much as you can PERIOD .
the question is someone trolling by definition to cause chaos or are they just talking about coins ?
one is trolling and the other is not.. is this clear yet or do i have to say it again a few more million times ?
ps: that was rhetorical, i know damn well i will explaining what a troll is again and again and again..
and by the way ignore whom ever you like it does not
CHANGE anything..
If LOTS of people out there are concerned about this coins start up then are you going to ignore them all to vanquish them evil "
nourishing" Trolls ?
sadly we are engulfed in corruption your eyes.
every time anything bad pops up we hear blah blah ignore the trolls by bag holders.. gimme a break with that crap already.
Yes Spoetnik, there is evil everywhere. You can believe the Developer who has been working his ass off these past 3 months, or you can come up with conspiracy theories until the cows come home. You keep bringing this up = trolling to me. You got everyone's opinions. What is it you want? To me, even if Evan
were a crook, it doesn't even matter anymore. The coins are long sold off, a better outcome than if only miners got access to coins, in my opinion. It's a mute point, and doesn't matter anymore.
Are you on a crusade to make sure every newb that comes here knows what happened via your point of view (developer had an evil plan?) I think that is your purpose, despite the fact that it's posted everywhere, hence I suspect FUD. Or else you simply need attention? It doesn't matter to me, but that is why you're on my ignore list, because you're annoying without bringing anything new or of value to the table, sorry.