Ok, I have verified it works.
Start darkcoind on remote machine.
On your local machine specify the IP at launch with -masternodeaddr=YOUR_SERVER_IP
Unlock your local machine wallet with your passphrase.
On your local machine, ./darkcoind masternode start
Slickness indeed.
So you have to keep it running on another machine, presumably your home machine, with the wallet unlocked?
You don't have to keep your local machine's wallet unlocked permanently, or even open. Once the remote machine master node starts you can close the local machine's wallet and hide it away for safe keeping.
Ok, and nobody can sell those coins, or withdraw? They system will know?
It's no different than them just sitting there in your open qt wallet. If you have an encrypted Darkcoin wallet it must be unencrypted for a short time while you are starting the master node. All coins remain on the local machine's wallet and do not move. Your local machine has to get the private keys, sign a message with them, send it to the server, and then have the server broadcast a message proving you own them in order to start a masternode, which is why it must be unencrypted. If Evan didn't do this, a single 1000 DRK wallet could be copied to infinite machines to run master nodes.
Okee Dokee! Will have to get on this asap...