I can't find a way for anything you said here to be valid. Please convince me.
Seriously, most of these coins are crap, kittencoin, flappycoin, etc, do you really think that shops are going to have the means of accepting all these currencies?
and so many others... Is it so hard to cut and paste a deposit address from any of their offered currencies into a QR code generating website?
Cryptocurrencies are pretty liquid in interexchange. It doesn't really matter what crypto you've got. ShitCoins are everywhere. So? Are you new? ;-)
Not to mention the values on them are so low, with some coins i would need over a million coins for a cup on coffee, and we still havnt got any coins that are the speed of EFTPOS or credit card, NXT is the only currency that im aware of that can have instant confirmations.
I don't see how either one of these points really matters... How many pennies does it take to buy a car? Why does it have to be instant? EFTPOS/NXT, for what benefit? UPS still takes days to deliver... Face to Face I generally don't use Crypto because I hate explaining it to noobs.
Most of these altcoins will be pumped and dumped into bitcoin, litecoin and a few other "professional" valuable coins.
Yeah? So?
Im just sick of seeing all these cloned coins with a different logo and no serious development put into them, most are just different block times and the amount of coins issues that have changed.
You're failing to see the advantages of a buttload of easily interchangeable cryptocurrencies... Their blockchains. I don't even care if the coin sucks and is a pointless clone. If I just want to push around impossible blockchain records/monitoring, I can. Switching around on crypto-only exchanges is the ultimate mixer.
Darkcoin is one of the few coins with some serious innovation. Dogecoin is only successful because its attached to a meme and has a huge community, i see more future with doge than many other altcoins.
Dogecoin leverages humanity's most abundant resource; stupidity in large groups. Thus, if it's stupid, but works, it isn't stupid.
What we need is a unified global currency, and that was the whole idea of bitcoin, and it still will be a major currency, but look how fast its dropped in value, and its still going down.
All the altcoins are unified by the fact that since there is no direct exchange for them, they are all just extensions of BitCoin, essentially. Pick the one you like, or don't, or just want to float through for the day or the hour. Lots of people using VertCoin where you are? But you don't like VertCoin? So? It's barely a point to differentiate when the exchanges are so fluid.
I think alot of people are creating these coins in the hope it will do the same thing as bitcoin and make a quick buck, not to say that it wont happen, but with so many coins to choose from, what one is it going to be? I dont have the resources to mine them all and im sure no one else does either, the list of altcoins is growing by the day.
I think you're just new... You're having the same thoughts many other people already thought through 3 years ago. Altcoins are actually a blessing. Even the crappy ones.