User A wants to pay $103
User B wants to pay $254
User C wants to pay $51
User D wants to pay $53
-- All of them deposit their bills into the bucket:
$100,$1,$1,$1 == 103
$100,$100,$50,$1,$1,$1,$1 == 254
$50,$1 == 51
$50,$1,$1,$1 == 53
---- Now, count the bills of each kind
3x $100
3x $50
11x $1
Now the people randomly come collect what they're owed.
Who paid who?
Could you not just see that the destination address balance matches the total amount withdrawn from the beginning address(es)?
Does the change get DarkSent too? That would be pretty cool.
The payments into the buckets are made by different addresses that only the sender's wallet recognize as being theirs. Those are mixed up with other people sending via darkcoin, then the analogy eduffield put up makes much more sense!