Paid $4 for my BTC... Paid a lot less for my DRK...
And did you sell at $8 to "double your money"?
No, I still have it.
I hold on to good ideas. I'm a nobody. But, I'm a nobody with a clue how these things work, which is probably why I'm a nobody... A wise person would take my presence in this thread as an indicator that DarkCoin is a good idea that stands out among all other AltCoins.
I may have quit on gentoo because it annoys me, and as a result have a little trouble getting source off and running, but I'm not stupid just because people think I'm a giant asshole. I'm here for a reason. I learned a lot from wrangling constantly-broken-gentoo and playing with crypto-loop. I'm just rusty and have better things to do with my time than babysit other peoples' code for them...
I've been looking for an altcoin I like for most of the 4 years I've been using BTC. DRK is it. Maybe I lose my ass... Maybe I don't. I'm putting my money where the facts are. FActs being something the general population is generally devoid of, and even allergic to... But nonetheless, I like facts...