I don't want to clog up this thread with "whaaaa I can't get anything to compile, whaaaa help me" crap, but uh, yeah, nothin's workin', at all. Not even the ./configure...
Any error messages in particular?
Well, yeah, but as I said, I was hoping someone willing would take this elsewhere instead of clogging up this thread... Like, smart person PM me... lols. I was trying to be courteous.
I DLed the .zip from github, decompressed, CD [folder in question], sudo ./configure, command not found. ls -lah, oh look, it's named configure.ac and it's not executable, either... chmod 744 configure.ac, ls -lah, yay it's green!
bash# sudo ./configure.ac
./configure.ac: 1: ./configure.ac: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")