It's really pretty simple, we're capped at 25DRK per 2.5 minutes, that's 210240*25 per year, so broken down yearly:
Year 1: 5,256,000
Year 2: 2,628,000
Year 3: 1,314,000
So in ten years we'll have maybe 10 million coins in existence. It's a very scarce resource and is designed to gain/keep it's value.
1 834 654 coins were mined in the first 24hrs (17.4% of all the coins that will be mined) only linux wallet on start, which limited number of miners.
Plus strange block reward bug are you in dark or out? Not sure what you are after. 'Enlightenment of the masses'? Most everyone is here and supportive of dark because it has the chance to be the first truly anonymous coin. If you are angry about block rewards and whether you will make money off of it is a matter wholly unto itself. If you are 'jealous' or believe others had an advantage in the beginning, it is your opinion. Is a 100% return fair to you? 200%? It would be but you want the 1000% return a few of the early adopters may get. Fair is stating a launch date with clear plans and sticking to it. Ultracoin is just one of an example of shady coins launched with no innovation. I wasn't around in the beginning but have been able to get some dark very cheaply. You seem motivated by greed and a sense of 'fairness' that equivocates to you having. I personally hope dark succeeds and if I make even 3% off of what I invested, I would be ecstatic. I'm in it to be a part of this, to support it and not shit on it and complain what it is not. Darkcoin seems very reasonable, fair and completely open. I am sorry that you do not see it
Dude, I'm with proton. If you don't like the coin, don't mine it, and don' t buy it. It isn't a super-complicated plan. I like dark, and I"m going to mine it, maybe sell some, maybe buy some. I'm going to help out where I can, and I hope the whole thing goes really well. I know that like any work in progress, any new idea, there will be bumps in the road, detractors, etc. I'm not too stressed if the one or two day price rises or falls with the collapse of Mt Gox or anything else.
Chill out and enjoy the ride. In a few years hopefully we'll all laugh about "remember when there were public blockchains?!" This coin is a good idea, and we have a dev who is actively developing it. Who cares how many coins he has - he has clearly put most of the work into this coin.
I don't know about you, but I'm here because I want to be here. eduffield has already fixed one issue with the way mining rewards work, and if there looks like catastrophe on the horizon, I'm sure he can fix it again.