The point is that the dash "governance system" is not "one man, one vote"
Well you've sure got a point there.
I always thought that if I stuck $100 into Apple I should have as much say as
these guys. I've got some pretty neat ideas for Apple that I think are better than theirs anyway.
See if you can't convince them of your "one man one vote" idea. Sounds ideal to me
Dash cryptocurrency is similar a company.
If some one has many masternodes, he would have many voting tickets !!
Volyova, your one man, one vote idea is not for dash voting system. Dash voting is not President election.
In masternode voters exist leading whale voter. Leading whale voter's selection is most important.
In voters exist competition to get more (voting)share, so masternode number increase every month.
Though you set a masternode and don't vote, you ride on the price increase becauseof whale's masternode competition.
Volyova, Please join dash team !!
Dear gusterdd, you sound like a decent chap, you really do, so please know that this reply is from the heart (and I hope I am not being trolled here).
I want to help you, I really do, but I can't join the Dash team, because I can't defend Dash, because I can't change Dash. Only Evan can do that, so perhaps you'd be better off appealing to him (I know, I know, he probably won't reply).
Asking me to join the Dash team is like asking me to jump aboard a sinking ship, full of rich psychopaths that wish only harm to come to me! Maybe I could save a few lives, but why not just let it sink? You can jump off too.
This is not just me "being dramatic". If you read a couple of pages back, you'll notice that I was actually THREATENED by a Dash community member. Having only the body of a weak and feeble woman, I was frightened by this. I am scared to have such people in my proximity. People who think that it's alright to do that kind of thing. I'm sure you understand what I mean.
To be totally clear with you, I was once invested in Dash as well (so I know your pain), but the more I found out about it, the more I didn't like it and the more nervous I became holding it. In the end (for my peace of mind), I sold. That is to say, I saved myself. Every decent Dash newb/newbette can do the same. No network can survive without users. You all know what you need to do. Leave this network before it leaves you.