Still, I'm really getting worried here. A lot of time and money is being spent on the same things over and over, website and logo, marketing, etc... Don't get me wrong, I agree these things are important, but I see this gaping hole that isn't being worked on at all. That is merchant integration.
I believe we are losing ground on adoption. I realize the core team wants to do things in a nice linear fashion. Finish up Evolution, then make apps that will make Dash easier to use, then hope merchants will use apps someone else creates for them to accept Dash. However, Dash Evolution is complex and will still take a long time to debut, and in the meantime we are losing ground to others who see the importance of merchant adoption.
If we don't bring this highly neglected sector up to the level everything else has come to, we are going to win the battle but lose the war. We need merchant tools ASAP. And we need them to be decentralized so that merchants can choose which products and service combinations they want and that are most advantageous to them. But I see very little work in this direction. All we have is expensive credit cards that can be used in the existing commerce system, which in fact adds 4.5% to every purchase (along with the 3%+ the merchant has to pay) This is cool, especially if shake, or whatever their name is, can reduce the cost to free eventually, but it's NOT adoption!
Crypto-currencies have one big advantage to adoption, and that is cost! They're virtually free IF a merchant accepts the coins and holds. They're super cheap, around 1%, if a merchant chooses to cash out their coins for Fiat at their chosen exchange. THIS is where merchant integration should be focused. Helping merchants accept Dash (as an equal to fiat or credit cards) as payment. We need to get people to NEED to use Dash, and Dash alone. Because it is instant and secure (huge network) it's also private.
This needs to be fixed ASAP. We can't afford to wait for Evolution. By that time, we will have lost our head start and other coins will make inroads into the minds of merchants and users.
But how do we do this? The core team really doesn't understand the needs of merchants. We need a new team to do this work. To take over this kind of integration, this service to sell to merchants. We have a chicken or egg situation, and we simply have to create both at the same time.
Is there anyone out there who is considering working for Dash, the network (not core)? Can you provide ideas and hopefully solutions to this problem?
Something like square's Point of Sales solution? This could work for any small business, especially hobbyists flea markets, etc... We need to make REAL inroads into a marketplace, and as the Jackalope festival showed us, the easiest inroads would be wit free thinking, advantage seeking individual merchants. Lets make it so advantageous for them to use Dash, that it becomes the must-have and most desirable payment option.
But we need someone with the skill and vision to make this happen. if that's you, please come discuss this here
I am happy to help and will send you a PM.