There are actually hundreds of lousy Bitcoin copy alt-crypto currencies that I do not care about. At all. Like Dogecoin or Trumpcoin or Fedoracoin and what-have-you coin.
Do you know how often I post in those coins' threads? You guessed it: I never post in those threads.
You know why? Because I don't care about those coins.
I post in the Decred thread and in the XCP (Counterparty) threads because I think there's something extremely interesting about these two projects.
This is what rational behavior looks like: you spend your valuable free time for things you care about...
So the people who spam this thread with FUD - they are either a) irrational, spending time for things they do not care about; or b) have ulterior motives.
They claim their "ulterior motive" is humanitarian, to "help others by warning them", well if you believe that, you might as well believe in unicorns.
Anyway, I've been following Bitcoin since its price was well below $1 and every time its price was dropping, people were saying "it's over, it's dead"...