1. Is is confirmed how many applicants are finalized and who will recieve airdrop?
2. I have my confirm id and transaction so will the coins be automatically sent to that address or what is the process to recieve the coins?
(1) No, it is not confirmed. The last batch went out yesterday (01/18/16 03:00 PM CST). Those participants will all need adequate and fair time to complete the process and seek help if they require it. So once there is a final date for when all addresses need to be in the system, the final numbers can be confirmed and released as general statistical information about participation - this will be soon, time is of the essence now.
(2) The address you submitted to the confirmation page is where the coins will go. Make sure this address is correct by using dcraddrgen to verify the seed you saved as you will import that seed into a wallet later on and access the coins. If you lose the seed, you will not be able to recover the coins.