кaк пpaвильнo зapeгиcтpиpoвaть ccылкy?
Oтпpaвить мнe cooбщeниe нa
фopyмe или, ecли вaм нyжнa пoмoщь взглянyть нa
poccийcкoм yчacткe.
Yeah ok, thanks.
I'll take that to specifically include _ingsoc also.
(and decred multi-author, obviously)
No, I haven't been involved with NeuCoin. Yes, Decred currently has multiple developers that contribute to its codebase and the project itself hopes to grow into a "hacker" collective of sorts in the future. A collective like that would mean anyone interested in development can step forward and be part of that ecosystem. Nobody will be excluded from the development process if they are competent - it is multi-stakeholder. Decred's primary goal is to create that ecosystem and everyone will be working hard to try and make that happen once the code is public and open-source.
OK cool.
Yes, decred currently has multiple devs, all of which are c0/btcsuite? (3/4 devs)
A hacker collective would indeed include all who want to participate.
But they will not get paid.
Only 1 and a bit dev will be paid at $0.49 launch (asset allocation) price.
That is a CUT in paid dev staff on this coin.
So yeah, all join in devving, for free.
Just like the btc devs. nothing new here.
Anyone interested in a fair dev coin, this (apparently) ain't it. See my previous, unanswered analysis.
If its another shitcoin, fine but..
This begs the question though, and it's a serious one, what's the alternative for a new dev in the future? Work on Bitcoin and get paid nothing? Or work in a system where you get compensated for innovation and contributions that feed back into Bitcoin as well? I know that's biased, but it's a legitimate proposal that's being formed.
...this is not forcast to actually happen any time soon, using decreds own numbers.