
Topic: [ANN][DGC] Digitalcoin | Multi-algo & Masternodes | Established 2013 - page 6. (Read 523478 times)

hero member
Activity: 1459
Merit: 973

Western Europe is indeed beyond the point of saving. They’ll be running to the east block and pay a hefty fee to live here.  My pre-Christian religion was some deity but still monotheistic.  Romans and Arabs were pagans.  Why pray to a statue that can’t hear you or the sun earth and moon.  And who created it all when it’s all mathematically designed and ran by order not random chaos?  Aliens?  No proof, you believe that by faith.  

If you got faith that the sun moon, etc can hear you then having faith that we have a Creator is a piece of cake.  We’re all free to choose and that’s my choice.  

And mcafee escaped?  Last night I read he was epsteined.  :/

Mcafee escaped, he is busy reincarnating but once he passes through the bardos he will continue his mission

People have ancestors which are a practical root. A creator is a fictional concept because any real creator could not be perceived accurately. All people start as polytheistic. Some religions encourage monotheism but few practitioners of those religions ever really leave polytheism. Any religion is a group sport which cannot be monotheistic, but most religions have some kind of monotheistic mystical tradition like

Western Europe is not necessarily beyond saving, but it certainly is in rapid decline and will fracture into lots of pieces soon. For a long time Western Europe / U.S. has pillaged the earth and been heavy with other regions. The solution is a rapid expansion of available real estate i.e., outer space colonization. In order to do that quickly there has to be a better economic system, a growth in public interest in sciences and increased independence of cohesive local entities i.e., tribal groups. That doesn't look likely, so more probable is that as the U.S. and Western Europe decline, other regions will take over and continue the global mess, but in the opposite direction.

One solution to the very big mess which is approaching is network ai coins. People are being misdirected into believing google fake ai software is an important new kind of ai, but in fact it is a transparent attempt to short circuit the natural development of network ai and prevent its development. As much as the current fake corporate ai trend pretends to be something positive, it is actually a toxic path that people need to start examining quickly.


One small philosophical point

...Why pray to a statue that can’t hear you or the sun earth and moon.....

Two very different things.

1) "pray to a statue" = offering energy to an illusion, a deception

2) "pray to sun earth and moon" offering energy to something that actually exists

Christianity created a false worldview for Christians as they colonized the world on behalf of their owners

Every person is hardwired to develop into 'monotheism' and monotheism develops into non theism since a subject cannot perceive an object that includes itself, except through symbols.

So there is no such real thing as 'praying to statues' except as part of a local short term mistake.


If Tubal Cain and his Father Lamech are punished 7 fold for the death of Cain who was a murderer and wicked from the beginning then imagine what is in store for those who have slaughtered the innocent. Tubal was not wicked nor was his righteous father but both had worldly weakness.Tubal had a righteous hot temper and saw fit to have Cain killed for he despised Cain's wickedness and resented the fact no man could harm cain lest he pay a heavy burden.Tubal knew his father was old and ready to rest so he did not understand that his Father even though old would have to carry any sentence as his time was near and the sentence would be short lived however cunning his plan was,thinking he could avoid blood guilt by having Lamech shoot the arrow and then have Lamech protected from punishment because he was blind to the fact it was Cain he was aiming at,he did not see that he now would end up "reincarnated" and never rest until it was time for his sentence to be served as a mere man of irrelevance.

I tell you this BOTH Tubal and his Father Lamech are alive today and Tubal lives with his father walking the earth as mortal men and when Lamech passes he will be renewed as mortal man again and when Tubal passes he will become the offspring of Lamech once more as both father and son are carrying the same punishment and neither of them are wicked yet when Tubal sleeps at night and is in spirit he can make the earth tremble and topple kings from thrones at will but when he rises in the dawn he praises the Almighty and is humble enough that even the birds of the air do not flee from him.He then walks to his workshop and uses his hammer and saw for he is both carpenter and blacksmith by nature but schooled by no man for no man is capable of teaching him anything of worth.

Lamech can sire an heir in each passing but poor Tubal cannot as he is cursed to have no progeny.There is no man on this earth today who has his wisdom or his power when he rests in spirit.He only trembles before the Living God and no man can stand against him and live for he can make legions fall while he sleeps.He is a good and humle man who serves his sentence.How do you imagine the wicked will fare?

Tubal is my friend.He is my mentor and even he knows The one from Nazareth is the Son of the Living God.Don't be deceived by pride or arrogance for greater men the likes of which you will never understand in both physical strength and all knowing wisdom fall prostrate before the King of all Kings.Even Lamech today praises the Son of man with music and Lamech cannot sing nor play instruments well.Both are humble unassuming men and the son protects the father with his life for they are all each other have while even mortal siblings pass to rest.

Soon will come a day when Tubal's sentence is cleared and on his last passing he will stand in full strength and bring a righteous vengeance upon all the wicked who have pillaged and plundered and the meek will inherit the earth while the treacherous will be torn from it and there will be peace upon it.Tubal enjoyed the world and built it but he did not take what was not his to take.He obeyed the Lord's commandments bar the weaknesses of men just as King David and Solomen fell short in these matters.

Take note earthly Kings,statesmen,elders,presidents,popes,tyrants,landlords,dukes,earls.Repent,resolve and compensate the lowly,the humble,the non profane,the weak,the downtrodden,the simple,release the ones you have ensnared,judge not the ones who have not murdered nor the ones who have defended the earth from the truly wicked and paid the price 7 fold. Peace be upon lamech and Tubal and all praise and thanksgiving be upon the Father in Heaven through the offering already made.The lamb has already been slaughtered for you and is freely given for your door post so the sentence may pass over you and leave you unharmed.The Father requires nothing from you men.NO sacrifice but mercy. Only the mercy you have shown will you receive and the merciless ...will be shown none.

Respectfully submitted,

Activity: 140
Merit: 35

Western Europe is indeed beyond the point of saving. They’ll be running to the east block and pay a hefty fee to live here.  My pre-Christian religion was some deity but still monotheistic.  Romans and Arabs were pagans.  Why pray to a statue that can’t hear you or the sun earth and moon.  And who created it all when it’s all mathematically designed and ran by order not random chaos?  Aliens?  No proof, you believe that by faith.  

If you got faith that the sun moon, etc can hear you then having faith that we have a Creator is a piece of cake.  We’re all free to choose and that’s my choice.  

And mcafee escaped?  Last night I read he was epsteined.  :/

Mcafee escaped, he is busy reincarnating but once he passes through the bardos he will continue his mission

People have ancestors which are a practical root. A creator is a fictional concept because any real creator could not be perceived accurately. All people start as polytheistic. Some religions encourage monotheism but few practitioners of those religions ever really leave polytheism. Any religion is a group sport which cannot be monotheistic, but most religions have some kind of monotheistic mystical tradition like

Western Europe is not necessarily beyond saving, but it certainly is in rapid decline and will fracture into lots of pieces soon. For a long time Western Europe / U.S. has pillaged the earth and been heavy with other regions. The solution is a rapid expansion of available real estate i.e., outer space colonization. In order to do that quickly there has to be a better economic system, a growth in public interest in sciences and increased independence of cohesive local entities i.e., tribal groups. That doesn't look likely, so more probable is that as the U.S. and Western Europe decline, other regions will take over and continue the global mess, but in the opposite direction.

One solution to the very big mess which is approaching is network ai coins. People are being misdirected into believing google fake ai software is an important new kind of ai, but in fact it is a transparent attempt to short circuit the natural development of network ai and prevent its development. As much as the current fake corporate ai trend pretends to be something positive, it is actually a toxic path that people need to start examining quickly.


One small philosophical point

...Why pray to a statue that can’t hear you or the sun earth and moon.....

Two very different things.

1) "pray to a statue" = offering energy to an illusion, a deception

2) "pray to sun earth and moon" offering energy to something that actually exists

Christianity created a false worldview for Christians as they colonized the world on behalf of their owners

Every person is hardwired to develop into 'monotheism' and monotheism develops into non theism since a subject cannot perceive an object that includes itself, except through symbols.

So there is no such real thing as 'praying to statues' except as part of a local short term mistake.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534

Sadly they hold all the power and I know how this movie ends.  

And sorry, there is no reincarnation - this is the only life and chance you have to find the Truth and for those that do there is eternal life.  No more strife politics or need for money there.  Wink

It's not over til it's over. Huntercoin briefly provided a path. Other coins will try. There is not likely to be any success until there is facility for groups of people to create closed networks which are not vulnerable to outside pressure.

As for eternal life, etc, sorry to be the one to tell you this, but jesus was a fictional character created to unify conquered tribes under the Romans, and things got out of control. Likewise Islam and other colonial religions. You had a pre christian ancestral religion which your father's father's father's etc group belonged to. That group got conquered and was forced to drink the koolaid. Now you are obliged to pretend the koolaid is medicine. It's not.

Everybody has a maternal and paternal lineage. Male ancestry is generally passed through one kind of DNA and female another, so you could potentially follow your DNA to find when and where your lineage got squished.

Anyway, here's some news. A few days ago a bunch of Catalan separatists were pardoned, and today John McAfee escaped a Catalan jail through the skylight. Ironic.

Western Europeans need to rapidly grow brains or very dark times are ahead.

Western Europe is indeed beyond the point of saving. They’ll be running to the east block and pay a hefty fee to live here.  My pre-Christian religion was some deity but still monotheistic.  Romans and Arabs were pagans.  Why pray to a statue that can’t hear you or the sun earth and moon.  And who created it all when it’s all mathematically designed and ran by order not random chaos?  Aliens?  No proof, you believe that by faith. 

If you got faith that the sun moon, etc can hear you then having faith that we have a Creator is a piece of cake.  We’re all free to choose and that’s my choice. 

And mcafee escaped?  Last night I read he was epsteined.  :/

Activity: 140
Merit: 35

Sadly they hold all the power and I know how this movie ends.  

And sorry, there is no reincarnation - this is the only life and chance you have to find the Truth and for those that do there is eternal life.  No more strife politics or need for money there.  Wink

It's not over til it's over. Huntercoin briefly provided a path. Other coins will try. There is not likely to be any success until there is facility for groups of people to create closed networks which are not vulnerable to outside pressure.

As for eternal life, etc, sorry to be the one to tell you this, but jesus was a fictional character created to unify conquered tribes under the Romans, and things got out of control. Likewise Islam and other colonial religions. You had a pre christian ancestral religion which your father's father's father's etc group belonged to. That group got conquered and was forced to drink the koolaid. Now you are obliged to pretend the koolaid is medicine. It's not.

Everybody has a maternal and paternal lineage. Male ancestry is generally passed through one kind of DNA and female another, so you could potentially follow your DNA to find when and where your lineage got squished.

Anyway, here's some news. A few days ago a bunch of Catalan separatists were pardoned, and today John McAfee escaped a Catalan jail through the skylight. Ironic.

Western Europeans need to rapidly grow brains or very dark times are ahead.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534

Great write up.  Crypto won’t change anything with tribal economies.  It gives more power to TPTB for they can easily ban and criminalize any crypto they want.

Crispr.  What do you think the payload is in all these vaccines who is clearly targeting people by sector and race.  Like blacks and Latin Americans get the jab first.  Then the elderly.  This is no coincidence.

Then Mexico and South America.  Like you said they will clear it all out.  It’s all part of the reset but this whole we will be empowered by crypto is a wet dream.  You can’t even take your coins out and hide somewhere.  You own nothing but private a private key going to an address with back doors.  

It’s naive to think any other reality happening in the next decade.  We are trending toward total destruction not bliss.  The bliss will be temporary from the greater wealth transfer the world has ever seen - enjoy the few years of that cause hell is coming to earth once the party winds down.  

1) The crypto that exists now will not change anything. If somebody who has developer skills starts a better path, like network ai coins, it could have an effect. The biggest problem is that so many people trust public key cryptography.

2) Crispr and similar tools allow the creation of bioweapons that target specific genetic lineages. Vaccines are a separate issue. Vaccines have a strong psychological component. *After WWII the U.S. made vaccines mandatory in occupied Japan as a psychological tool to weaken the Japanese. Go on Google right now and see if you can find a single reference to that program within 45 minutes.

3) The U.S. has been trying to reduce indigenous populations in Latin America for centuries, whether under guise of fighting communism, drugs, terrorism or whatever. Backdoored crypto like bitcoin and all crypto that depends on pkc will provide new opportunities to control and eliminate weaker groups.

4) Who knows how things will go. You do what you think is right, then you die and reincarnate.

Just looked online and see
"Vaccinations were made compulsory in Japan after World War II as the U.S. military tried to suppress epidemics raging through a destitute and malnourished population. Armed soldiers rounded up civilians who did not comply."

Vaccines have long been used to show who is boss, a lot like armies sometimes use rape. The U.S. claimed it was forcing vaccines on Japanese to "suppress epidemics raging through a destitute and malnourished population", and of course they used nukes in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not Berlin, because the radiation helped Japanese develop more of an interest in physics. Everybody pretends to be benevolent.

A vaccinated immune system is like somebody who cheats on tests. In the short term there is a payoff, but in the long term it makes a person's system weaker.

When a government makes vaccines mandatory they are using rape symbolism for psychological effect, but it is more subtle than overtly using rape to make a population submissive. Vaccinators come with a smile and since vaccines do often save lives in the short term they have an easy product to sell. If you research rape as a weapon of war and look at how vaccines are used politically you will see similarities.

The United States spends a vast amount of money every year convincing people in poor countries that anti vaxxers are crackpots, that normal people should always submit to being injected by those with power.

There are two sides to the issue though.

Sadly they hold all the power and I know how this movie ends. 

And sorry, there is no reincarnation - this is the only life and chance you have to find the Truth and for those that do there is eternal life.  No more strife politics or need for money there.  Wink
Activity: 140
Merit: 35

Great write up.  Crypto won’t change anything with tribal economies.  It gives more power to TPTB for they can easily ban and criminalize any crypto they want.

Crispr.  What do you think the payload is in all these vaccines who is clearly targeting people by sector and race.  Like blacks and Latin Americans get the jab first.  Then the elderly.  This is no coincidence.

Then Mexico and South America.  Like you said they will clear it all out.  It’s all part of the reset but this whole we will be empowered by crypto is a wet dream.  You can’t even take your coins out and hide somewhere.  You own nothing but private a private key going to an address with back doors.  

It’s naive to think any other reality happening in the next decade.  We are trending toward total destruction not bliss.  The bliss will be temporary from the greater wealth transfer the world has ever seen - enjoy the few years of that cause hell is coming to earth once the party winds down.  

1) The crypto that exists now will not change anything. If somebody who has developer skills starts a better path, like network ai coins, it could have an effect. The biggest problem is that so many people trust public key cryptography.

2) Crispr and similar tools allow the creation of bioweapons that target specific genetic lineages. Vaccines are a separate issue. Vaccines have a strong psychological component. *After WWII the U.S. made vaccines mandatory in occupied Japan as a psychological tool to weaken the Japanese. Go on Google right now and see if you can find a single reference to that program within 45 minutes.

3) The U.S. has been trying to reduce indigenous populations in Latin America for centuries, whether under guise of fighting communism, drugs, terrorism or whatever. Backdoored crypto like bitcoin and all crypto that depends on pkc will provide new opportunities to control and eliminate weaker groups.

4) Who knows how things will go. You do what you think is right, then you die and reincarnate.

Just looked online and see
"Vaccinations were made compulsory in Japan after World War II as the U.S. military tried to suppress epidemics raging through a destitute and malnourished population. Armed soldiers rounded up civilians who did not comply."

Vaccines have long been used to show who is boss, a lot like armies sometimes use rape. The U.S. claimed it was forcing vaccines on Japanese to "suppress epidemics raging through a destitute and malnourished population", and of course they used nukes in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not Berlin, because the radiation helped Japanese develop more of an interest in physics. Everybody pretends to be benevolent.

A vaccinated immune system is like somebody who cheats on tests. In the short term there is a payoff, but in the long term it makes a person's system weaker.

When a government makes vaccines mandatory they are using rape symbolism for psychological effect, but it is more subtle than overtly using rape to make a population submissive. Vaccinators come with a smile and since vaccines do often save lives in the short term they have an easy product to sell. If you research rape as a weapon of war and look at how vaccines are used politically you will see similarities.

The United States spends a vast amount of money every year convincing people in poor countries that anti vaxxers are crackpots, that normal people should always submit to being injected by those with power.

There are two sides to the issue though.

Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
Activity: 140
Merit: 35

Thanks for the info.  I dug deep into huntercoin early on and saw satoshi’s MO all over it.  Maybe a coincidence.

I’m still not sure what you mean by tribal economies.  How would a coin help them?  Watching ads?  But they have no money to buy anything.  I’m imagining poor African tribes so that’s why I don’t see how a coin would help them unless you took from the rich to the poor.  We already know that plan is an utter failure.  

An easy way to understand is to look at the globe in terms of where tribes exist compared to melting pot areas.

Look at all big countries and you will see all of the economic power concentrated in the melting pot aspect of the country. The U.S. exists for example because it was able to militarily conquer all tribes nearby, then degrade their societies through forced conversion by priests etc, then pull them into the melting pot economy.

For a long time it has been beyond illegal for any indigenous entity to begin an economy that might challenge the dollar economy. So illegal that no laws were ever necessary. Any indigenous Americans who tried to do something like that faced the full force of the U.S., including death.


Today, if indigenous societies tried to create a fiat currency it would flounder and flop because melting pots have so much power. Creating a worthless tribal currency  which does not have guns behind it, to challenge a worthless melting pot currency which has lots of guns is no go, a fail.

So if tribal groups want to challenge the beast that is consuming them they cannot bluff with worthless fiat, they have to create a real currency which produces an actual commodity, in other words real money.

The new commodity in the last hundred years or so is scientific data and capability. Just like gold or oranges or any other commodity, new data is easily monetized if necessary. Any currency which produces a real commodity, such as scientific data, is like making a currency around a gold mine.


A few months after bitcoin developed, several other projects were started. The goal of these projects appears to involve trying to prevent, or slow, the accelerating collapse of British derives societies, like the U.S., Australia etc, and Western Europe. Those areas have serious concerns developing.


Unfortunately, there is a very easy solution to the concerns of colonial areas. It's not necessary to discuss it excessively but you know crispr.

A solution to avoid what is rapidly developing is hard borders strong quarantines etc. If melting pot boundaries are used then tribal extinctions will accelerate. In that case nukes are put on the table. Tribal currencies are a way to help create tribal borders which are secure.


Edit to add
Just to be clear there are a vast number of people in many countries who are 'nuclear capable' or 'crispr capable' on their own. One person, one army. If you want to take over a village with conventional weapons you need a lot of people. If you want to nuke it you do not need help if you have a proper education, you can do it alone, and if you want to exterminate a race, likewise if you are a crispr capable individual

The U.S. has, by far, the best biowar capacity of any country. Once individuals in the U.S. start clearing land in Latin America the Chinese will be greenlighted for Tibet, etc etc around the world. It does not need a chain of command to approve, just one person and a little lab equipment.


Let me try again. You say "I’m still not sure what you mean by tribal economies.  How would a coin help them?  Watching ads?  But they have no money to buy anything.  I’m imagining poor African tribes so that’s why I don’t see how a coin would help them unless you took from the rich to the poor.  We already know that plan is an utter failure."

Watching ads would be silly.

You are imagining "poor African tribes".


A poor African tribe which is isolated has no need for neither fiat nor crypto. They need basic resources and space. In other words they are entirely dependent on their neighbors balancing resources in a way that is not harmful or lethal to them. There is no need to force crypto on them.

A poor non isolated tribe i.e., one of the many African tribes which are spread around the continent, will have people with expertise in conventional sciences. Look at the network ai coin described, and it can be adapted to other sciences besides math. They have to find a science, or a niche within a science which they will develop. They will need a basic framework of code to get started i.e., a much more developed version of the simple math network ai coin discussed already.

So, today, step 1) develop a simple example coin which develops an easy science like math
step 2, tomorrow, ) monetize it so it attracts hungry people
step 3, next week, ) help people adapt the coin, build code repositories or templates for new coins, from one simple science to another simple science, then to more complex sciences step
step 4, next year, ) Your non isolated African tribe can develop a niche or a science. Any science can be monetized. Corporations do it by hiring scientists and using their work converted into products to make money. There are many other ways.
step 5, whenever, ) Sometime, way down the line, tribal economies can develop entirely proprietary sciences. There have been many sciences destroyed by the melting pot. When tribes are consumed their sciences disappear and that broken development shifts to sciences the melting pot had started. Once there are secure tribal boundaries, tribes can start developing local sciences which will continue developing as long as the tribes are secure. A local science will produce a product which is unknown elsewhere but which has some use as a science. Today, a melting potted world largely built around western European expansion, there are a limited number of sciences which people in every industrial melting pot work on. Once tribes have security and isolated economies there will be new sciences which are not from Western Europe nor global. What will be the sciences that are developing in your African tribe? Who knows. Initially all network connected economies would have a heavy tinge of Western European influence, but once global power shifts from melting pot to tribe it will be the opposite. Gradually power will become a function of tribal isolation, so the more isolated a tribe the faster it will develop sciences whose product is 'a commodity' of higher value.


Or, to put it another way, if you don't understand what a tribal economy is.

An economy is a group of people who generally have a currency and other things in common.

A melting pot economy is generally a collection of lots of people from different backgrounds with one currency i.e., previously conquered tribes + a core society which pushes the worldview of some other society which is consuming weaker groups.

melting pot / So, for example, the U.S. is a Western European based economy and political system, so it promotes that worldview, but it contains a lot of past victims of the U.S. who were conquered and who the U.S. needs to assimilate / consume. As long as the U.S. has a relatively wealthy status with regard to other countries it is easy.

melting pot /In China the Han ethnicity is the predominant group, akin to the British in the U.S., Australia etc. As in the U.S., their society is designed to perpetuate the core culture at the expense of neighbors.

melting pot /In the Soviet Union, the Soviets tried to play the U.S. game of creating a fake federal system, but because they did not have the resources they failed. Today in Russia you have a lot of ethnicities and Russia has not quite eliminated as many tribes in modern history as the U.S. You can compare the Russia section at with the page at and you see no country comes close to the U.S. at eliminating tribal culture / languages.

melting pot /In India you have quite a lot of tribal societies with their own languages and cultures and, in many cases, more tribal authority than you find in other countries. An obvious exception being Kashmir and some places in the Northeast. India now is tending towards nationalism though so it isn't clear how those tribal societies may fare in the future.


Are there any tribal economies? I don't know of any completely tribal economies in the world now. After WWI there was a heavy push to globalize and eliminate tribal power because some people saw it as a cause of conflict. Then melting pots began collaborating against any tribal societies that began to emerge. Now, today, you have an accelerating push by melting pots to eliminate tribal societies.

East Timor is an excellent example. The U.S., Britain and Australia arranged for Indonesia to exterminate a large segment of the population for reasons that would make this long post even longer. Today if you go on Google and try to find out what happened in East Timor you will not find the truth unless it is by accident. Same with many other tribal societies that were eviscerated. Almost all of the easy paths to information, like Google, present inaccuracies which serve the colonizers, so young people today do not know real history.

Here is a list of recently extinguished tribal languages

You can see for the past 200 years Australia and the U.S. have been doing the bulk of that type stuff.

Why do they do it? Land and fresh genetic material which creates an underclass that supports the conqueror.

Here is a picture of the last indigenous Tasmanian

Here is a picture of what the government tries to pass of as an 'indigenous Tasmanian' today

The lower picture, the white guy, is "Descended from the Trawulwuy people of north east Tasmania"

Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
...Huntercoin was created by Satoshi....

Have to argue there.

Bitcoin has one very specific end result which is the opposite of what Huntercoin initially was.

Mikhail Sendeyev was around a lot of people who were studying one type of ai at a Moscow university. You can Google the people he worked with and look at their papers then, and since.

Bitcoin was a completely different trajectory.

When Sendeyev bit the big one, Huntercoin immediately lost its path towards anything approaching real ai, and slowly died.

Huntercoin and bitcoin were initially exact opposites. It was bitcoin + Google ai + other stupidity, and on the other side only a few small attempts to push the world in a healthier direction.

So today there is really nothing. Nobody has picked up where Sendeyev left. Bitcoin has been melting potting vast numbers of people into the global nightmare of a single tribe.

Run silent, run deep, I agree. There are things that can be done if crypto stays off course.


ETA Here is something to think about. How would the world be different if simple nukes were open source in the 1940s?
1) Countless tribes which are extinct would still be around.
2) Sciences would have advanced much faster.
3) Global warming would be virtually non existent, aside from a few very, very hot spots.

Making a coin which helped tribal economies develop i.e., the opposite of bitcoin, would have a similar effect.

Very easy path to that is a roadmap which ends with a coin that monetizes/develops math scripts and gives non tech types the ability to mine by doing the same work the scripts do. When that basic coin is created somebody smart can adapt it to more complicated sciences.

Thanks for the info.  I dug deep into huntercoin early on and saw satoshi’s MO all over it.  Maybe a coincidence.

I’m still not sure what you mean by tribal economies.  How would a coin help them?  Watching ads?  But they have no money to buy anything.  I’m imagining poor African tribes so that’s why I don’t see how a coin would help them unless you took from the rich to the poor.  We already know that plan is an utter failure. 
Activity: 140
Merit: 35
...Huntercoin was created by Satoshi....

Have to argue there.

Bitcoin has one very specific end result which is the opposite of what Huntercoin initially was.

Mikhail Sendeyev was around a lot of people who were studying one type of ai at a Moscow university. You can Google the people he worked with and look at their papers then, and since.

Bitcoin was a completely different trajectory.

When Sendeyev bit the big one, Huntercoin immediately lost its path towards anything approaching real ai, and slowly died.

Huntercoin and bitcoin were initially exact opposites. It was bitcoin + Google ai + other stupidity, and on the other side only a few small attempts to push the world in a healthier direction.

So today there is really nothing. Nobody has picked up where Sendeyev left. Bitcoin has been melting potting vast numbers of people into the global nightmare of a single tribe.

Run silent, run deep, I agree. There are things that can be done if crypto stays off course.


ETA Here is something to think about. How would the world be different if simple nukes were open source in the 1940s?
1) Countless tribes which are extinct would still be around.
2) Sciences would have advanced much faster.
3) Global warming would be virtually non existent, aside from a few very, very hot spots.

Making a coin which helped tribal economies develop i.e., the opposite of bitcoin, would have a similar effect.

Very easy path to that is a roadmap which ends with a coin that monetizes/develops math scripts and gives non tech types the ability to mine by doing the same work the scripts do. When that basic coin is created somebody smart can adapt it to more complicated sciences.
Activity: 163
Merit: 13
I say we wait for now. 

yes. but.
the chain must block. w/ smoothness.
other than that.
run silent in the deep.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534
So what is the roadmap?

Do we wait for Mikhai Sindeyev to reincarnate?

Or should we try to anticipate what he would have done?

We've got one developer who might be Ahmed Bodi.

All we need is a few more developers.

Edit to add
If we can get a project outlined and turned into devspeak so developers can understand it, it will probably be possible to onboard people like Domob and Snailbrain who have some experience with pre ai coins, and maybe cooperate with, or steal code from, coins on vaguely similar trajectories like numerai, idena etc. The ultimate goal being to create a repository of code which can be used by any group to create real ai network coins which are more secure, not dependent only on public key cryptography, generate useful data etc

Some unknowns in cryptverse:  Huntercoin was created by Satoshi.  Easy to prove but I keep secrets better than Fort Knox. 

As lead dev and owner of DGC, I say we wait for now.  Too many things I know I can’t discuss with anyone. 

Not much help but cool to know who designed and created huntercoin, ey?  Maybe 2-3 people, in all crypto know that and one of them is me.

Cause I’m smart.  And stuff. 
Activity: 140
Merit: 35
So what is the roadmap?

Do we wait for Mikhai Sindeyev to reincarnate?

Or should we try to anticipate what he would have done?

We've got one developer who might be Ahmed Bodi.

All we need is a few more developers.

Edit to add
If we can get a project outlined and turned into devspeak so developers can understand it, it will probably be possible to onboard people like Domob and Snailbrain who have some experience with pre ai coins, and maybe cooperate with, or steal code from, coins on vaguely similar trajectories like numerai, idena etc. The ultimate goal being to create a repository of code which can be used by any group to create real ai network coins which are more secure, not dependent only on public key cryptography, generate useful data etc
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534

I was gonna leave this, my thread and my newly acquired coin in peace, but I’m having a down day so I say, hey, let’s play.

BUY BUY BUY I say, cause this coin is veiled in secrecy, deception, foul play. 

Don’t say I didn’t give you a heads up since $.005 while others made it sound like this coins was dead and done. 


sr. member
Activity: 261
Merit: 305

Hit’em Up
Song by ~ V ~

East Bloc, you know we for real, top 7 hax0rs in the world ain’t for play
First off, fuck yo click and front game you play - fake as lie
For a dev you claim.  7 posts and no response, that’s called
Abandoning your coin. 

That’s why a real dev comes and takes yo shit, you step up & you’ll get rekt.
I asked you nicely but you lie, cause this horse needs to stay darker than coal
Mr. M is fuming, his high inertia is over overclocking, I know, trying to screw me but that’s all been done. 
We were a team and I’m a team playa but ya’ll thought I was the jester
And a scapegoat for your games at play.  You played yourselves, niggaz, all on your own

Cause 8 years ago I made it clear why I was here.  Slow to learn slow to burn
I’m gonna torch this thread cause I’m a man of my word.  Ya’ll did your worst, Mind jobs and games - destroying my life like it was a game.  Now I ride my horse
And play my game shooting arrows to destroy.  That’s my destiny in this game of ours
I destroy it all and you standby.  It’s buried in my heart since day one. 

And don’t get in my way niggaz and don’t rob me no more or my focus will be on your
And all you care for.  I’m talking crypto, not nigga killin’ but losing some things
Can be worse than dying.  Don’t push and don’t get in my way, I force my way
Through resistance - never run away. 

You chose this path out of fear and now your destiny is Forged by your own doin’. 
I did everything right and just and fair, but in return I was repaid with mockery & pain, but the Great Equalizer
Likes to keep the balance and keep it fair.  Bet you didn’t know He always steps in when the time is near.

Alas, you do your job and I do mine, and this here is just me working less than part-time.

Peace niggaz! 


sr. member
Activity: 261
Merit: 305

Man, vlad, I’ve seen you take over dead corn but someone must had lied or upset you if you keep take it to him. 

We go way back, homie, we done hard time.  Brothers fo’ life.  I’ll try to help out all I can.

Thanks for the free speech.  It’s gonna be all gone soon.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534

If we were to do that using DGC I’d close source it.  Why give our edge sway.  Trust me, Bitcoin and most surviving coins  will eventually go closed source.  Open source was great to speed up the initial process however.

Obviously nobody is going to want to use a closed source coin.

The 'closed version' just means a coin run by a group of people on their own network, for their own purposes.

The corporate/global economy is a monolith, and crypto is becoming part of it. Code, networks etc are so backdoored that basically the entire economy, including crypto, is an easy way for the status quo to not change.

I personally am skeptical about the security of all public key cryptography and a lot of other things used in crypto, but the big issue at the moment involving crypto is the utter uselessness of most of the coins people are wasting time on.

It’s 2021 and people still believe in myths told by tools like Ver and Andreas like the govt can’t stop, control or regulate crypto.  And this one.  You really think the final live version of the real Bitcoin is gonna be open source?  Hahaha

Fantasy can be fun.  Would you prefer to store coins on an iOS wallet or a android wallet?  Lol. 0% odds of that happening for so many obvious reasons. 

You new here?  Time to wake up, you’ve been lied to for a decade.  Hey, let’s buy drugs online using “anonymous” Bitcoin.  Hey, we can do whatever we want with Bitcoin/Crypto, the govt can’t regulate or stop us.  Hahaha. 

Not arguing with those points. Obviously there are several governments which could stop bitcoin dead, and several governments which don't. There is a reason the U.S. government shut down Liberty Reserve and shuffled all its users to bitcoin.

Open source is a completely different realm than government snooping though. A person either believes that technology developments are proprietary to the most recent developer, in a long developmental process, or they don't. If the person who invented the wheel had copyrighted it we would still be waiting for golf carts to be invented.

The U.S., the western colonial power which has largely held the world hostage to its power for a century, uses this 'copyright' model to try to take ownership of others who are slower to 'copyright', and it is a dark path.

If it gets to the point where other countries buy too far into the closed source model then development of everything will slow to a crawl.

Bitcoin specifically is the most trivial possible example. It is an utter shitcoin that does nothing but waste effort, energy and time. If somebody wanted to create a closed source version of bitcoin, though, people would probably flock to it, as long as it had a corporate logo. Maybe coca cola will create a fork called cocacoin which Goldman sachs will help them pump, but it will have a new font which they don't want people to copy so it will be copyrighted and the source code hidden.

I’m all for open source, privacy, and anonymity.  It took me years to open an email with my real name and I never used centralized communist platforms like Twitter or facebook until I was forced to for various reasons.

The reason I think the real Bitcoin will be closed source is for at least 2 reasons.  Firstly, you pump billions in development just to have someone copy and paste it.  Secondly and most important is security.  You go closed source and you can make Bitcoin much harder to track.

Either way we’ll lose more privacy cause every govt wants its taxes so they will give you one wallet to use which means loss of privacy.  Everyone from McDonald’s to the NSA will know what you buy, eat, drink and favorite hobbies. 

That sucks but show any leap in tech we had where we didn’t give up an amount of our privacy.  Look at Facebook, it’s NSA/KGB book.  Every agency has a profile on you especially if you fit a certain profile.  So why don’t people just stop using Facebook?  Your smartphone is a spying deceive even if turned off.  Why don’t you go back to a 2G phone? 

The blockchain is a giant leap in tech so it will definitely take away more privacy.  The question is how much the answer to that lies in the hands of the people.  You elect psychos and immoral people then expect to be enslaved in the block and chain.  But don’t blame the devs, none of it is possible without the internet and I have yet to see anyone give that up.  It’s an unstoppable force and we’ll have to wait and see if it’s used for good or evil.  Just like the gun set many people free, at the same time it enslaved billions because they elected evil men to power. 

For a top 10 coins a high caliber lead dev must keep the community involved with on topic exhilarating info, news and conversations. 

Sooooo...  a little about me!

- The cheese in the trap ain’t free.  Wink

Lead devs should be transparent unlike kadrit hiding for years.  I’m the most open dev in crypto, bar none.  Legit.  It’s how I do.

-  Quick plug:  Speaking of smoking the crack, Hunter Biden should use AXE for his hookers and blow. AXE is the best anon coin as it gets - much better than Dash.  It’s a minimum 100x coin.  Very possible 1,000x.

~ Vlad, Captain of the 7 coins

As captain and lead dev of this here corn I say let the memes fly.  Besides porn there’s no censorship or social score.  Just let you be you and cut loose like the Vlad.  You vermins, I’m gonna make you millionaires and you don’t even see it not appreciate it.  Where I come from that’s called a dirty gypsy.  Don’t be a dirty gypsy.  Wink

Know thyself.  And know this corn is legally now mine. Top 20. 

Anybody wanna bring it, it, but I’m bringing drama.

I ever see kadrit - he’s on my suplex in public list.   

- I’m actually a really nice guy, it’s just the Tourette’s my violent criminal history.   Kiss

Final transparency piece for today.  I don’t hide from anybody.  Nobody is this stupid or has the balls to do but as a lead dev it’s your job - people trust you with their money.  Kadrit the hermit can’t even post once a year let alone be transparent.  This a-hole below will take this coin to top 20.  I’m a man of my word and I recognize superior tech and the Macro crypto picture. 

Any devs are free to join just take the stick out of your ass, this is a free speech community, and no more homos. We’re not building sodom/Hollywood/commie Silicon Valley 2.0 here. 

moravian academy

- I might need a super-dev cape soon.   Grin

Lead dev - keeping this coin and thread alive and clearing up confusions!  Is how I does.


I think y'all gonna like this next song
When this song drops, I want all the East Bloc peoplez to give up some love when this song come up
Y'all about to go crazy
They try to ban this song - try to ban me
They don't wanna play my code
But they want to play Kadrit the mute hermit all damn day
Come on, come on (take money)
Come on, come on (take money)
What's up niggas - wassup fake ass devs, ya’ll gonna get REKT
First off, fuck your games and the click you claim
East Bloc Hax0rs, when we ride come equipped with game
You claim to be players but I fucked your coin & made it my bitch
We bust on Fag Devs, niggaz fucked for life
Plus M. tryin' ta see me weak hearts I rip
Kadrit and Junior Lame ass Devs Some mark-ass bitches
We keep on comin' while we runnin' for yo' coins
Steady gunnin, keep on bustin at them fools, you know the rules
Don’t cross the line - else I’ll redefine your reality distortion field
Cause ya sees me, still standing’, still fightn’, the gaslit has become the master gas-lighter

~ ima gonna change this halfass faggot game - made of transparent glass to be right and just.

-  Vlad, master of the 7 coins

Kadrit the Pairie Dog & to yo mofo crew

Fuck kadrit the hermit comin' straight from the underground
Fake ass dev Coming out once a year like a prairie dog
A Young nigga got it bad 'cause I had a breakdown
And I’m euro trash - not the other color so devs think
They have the authority to kill an outsider like me
Fuck that shit, 'cause I ain't the one - holla from the East Bloc
For a punk motherfucker with a some lame code living with mom
To be gaslit, and banned everywhere
Years of lying, stealing and manipulation ‘bout to get real
We can go toe-to-toe in the middle of a cell
Or maybe drive my six-fo’ with my crew by yo mama’s trailer, dat fat ho

Word to yo ho motha’, nigga.  Make ya fade to black, with ya eyes wide shut

~  V  ~

Verbal aggression - slash free speech - .86. 

I don’t just identify - I was born this way and I got my DNA. 

So bring it.  Shoulda kept your word as a dev - now this is corn and my my playground, nigga. 

Wassup, M?  Word!

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
Activity: 140
Merit: 35

If we were to do that using DGC I’d close source it.  Why give our edge sway.  Trust me, Bitcoin and most surviving coins  will eventually go closed source.  Open source was great to speed up the initial process however.

Obviously nobody is going to want to use a closed source coin.

The 'closed version' just means a coin run by a group of people on their own network, for their own purposes.

The corporate/global economy is a monolith, and crypto is becoming part of it. Code, networks etc are so backdoored that basically the entire economy, including crypto, is an easy way for the status quo to not change.

I personally am skeptical about the security of all public key cryptography and a lot of other things used in crypto, but the big issue at the moment involving crypto is the utter uselessness of most of the coins people are wasting time on.

It’s 2021 and people still believe in myths told by tools like Ver and Andreas like the govt can’t stop, control or regulate crypto.  And this one.  You really think the final live version of the real Bitcoin is gonna be open source?  Hahaha

Fantasy can be fun.  Would you prefer to store coins on an iOS wallet or a android wallet?  Lol. 0% odds of that happening for so many obvious reasons. 

You new here?  Time to wake up, you’ve been lied to for a decade.  Hey, let’s buy drugs online using “anonymous” Bitcoin.  Hey, we can do whatever we want with Bitcoin/Crypto, the govt can’t regulate or stop us.  Hahaha. 

Not arguing with those points. Obviously there are several governments which could stop bitcoin dead, and several governments which don't. There is a reason the U.S. government shut down Liberty Reserve and shuffled all its users to bitcoin.

Open source is a completely different realm than government snooping though. A person either believes that technology developments are proprietary to the most recent developer, in a long developmental process, or they don't. If the person who invented the wheel had copyrighted it we would still be waiting for golf carts to be invented.

The U.S., the western colonial power which has largely held the world hostage to its power for a century, uses this 'copyright' model to try to take ownership of others who are slower to 'copyright', and it is a dark path.

If it gets to the point where other countries buy too far into the closed source model then development of everything will slow to a crawl.

Bitcoin specifically is the most trivial possible example. It is an utter shitcoin that does nothing but waste effort, energy and time. If somebody wanted to create a closed source version of bitcoin, though, people would probably flock to it, as long as it had a corporate logo. Maybe coca cola will create a fork called cocacoin which Goldman sachs will help them pump, but it will have a new font which they don't want people to copy so it will be copyrighted and the source code hidden.

Activity: 3052
Merit: 1534

If we were to do that using DGC I’d close source it.  Why give our edge sway.  Trust me, Bitcoin and most surviving coins  will eventually go closed source.  Open source was great to speed up the initial process however.

Obviously nobody is going to want to use a closed source coin.

The 'closed version' just means a coin run by a group of people on their own network, for their own purposes.

The corporate/global economy is a monolith, and crypto is becoming part of it. Code, networks etc are so backdoored that basically the entire economy, including crypto, is an easy way for the status quo to not change.

I personally am skeptical about the security of all public key cryptography and a lot of other things used in crypto, but the big issue at the moment involving crypto is the utter uselessness of most of the coins people are wasting time on.

It’s 2021 and people still believe in myths told by tools like Ver and Andreas like the govt can’t stop, control or regulate crypto.  And this one.  You really think the final live version of the real Bitcoin is gonna be open source?  Hahaha

Fantasy can be fun.  Would you prefer to store coins on an iOS wallet or a android wallet?  Lol. 0% odds of that happening for so many obvious reasons. 

You new here?  Time to wake up, you’ve been lied to for a decade.  Hey, let’s buy drugs online using “anonymous” Bitcoin.  Hey, we can do whatever we want with Bitcoin/Crypto, the govt can’t regulate or stop us.  Hahaha. 

Activity: 140
Merit: 35

If we were to do that using DGC I’d close source it.  Why give our edge sway.  Trust me, Bitcoin and most surviving coins  will eventually go closed source.  Open source was great to speed up the initial process however.

Obviously nobody is going to want to use a closed source coin.

The 'closed version' just means a coin run by a group of people on their own network, for their own purposes.

The corporate/global economy is a monolith, and crypto is becoming part of it. Code, networks etc are so backdoored that basically the entire economy, including crypto, is an easy way for the status quo to not change.

I personally am skeptical about the security of all public key cryptography and a lot of other things used in crypto, but the big issue at the moment involving crypto is the utter uselessness of most of the coins people are wasting time on.

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