When people are concerned that Doge is still going down is the best time to buy, and when people are going nuts saying it will keep going up is the time to sell (at least part of your holdings)
DOGE will go back up to at least 100, and (possibly) very soon.
why do you think it will go back to 100?
100 or even higher:
DOGE has been under 100 several times the last few months and every time it rallied back up.
*Bitcoin is hot again and some of that money will purchase alt coins soon enough.
*The NASCAR events helped "create" millions of people who have heard of DOGE and never even heard of Bitcoin. Some of them will learn more soon.
*The market went down "too fast", so there is bound to be a big bounce up ....eventually.
If the DOGE community was a bit more interested in introducing people to digital currency as a whole it would probably get more BTC to flow into it. Like at first...
"The pair say they have no intention of competing with Bitcoin, and both are still fervent believers in its potential to change online banking."
http://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-dogecoin-2013-12DOGE needs to
A: Cap @ 100 billion
I was told a number of times there was a cap and the OP of this said cap. Having a cap has even been outlined as being important by Billy in an early on interview with Business Insider.
"It's a revolutionary technology, absolutely revolutionary," Markus says. "And it works as a store of value because it's deflationary, there will be a cap [on Bitcoins created]. It's just highly speculative, which makes it hard to use, to spend and spread it."
http://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-dogecoin-2013-12This is important for peoples coins to be "special" and the network can be covered even if it is capped.
B: Merge mine with HUC. This will keep the network strong and protected. DOGE is a perfect example of what people can do when they work together as a whole, but the whole has to keep their miners spinning profitably to continue to bring BTC into the DOGE network. Merge mining is simply coins working together to keep their networks protected as a whole.
1DOGE=1DOGE is complete bullshit from someone who doesn't care and has openly admitted it. Maybe everyone doesn't care, but I hate to see the people who have put so much work into making DOGE successful simply get shit on by the ones who are allowing the fucking thing to die.
Tips only make a fuck if they are worth something, $100 to that hot bartender with blonde hair and big titties will get your glass refilled and shots lined up faster than giving her a nickle.