EAC is ready to TANK. Epic dumps from Middlecoin and other miners have blown holes in every buy wall. The two big buy walls I said were fake, were indeed fake. They are gone now that the price looks like it's headed to the 80s. Sell or cry.
This coin is toast without doing something to gin up interest! WHERE THE **** ARE THE DEVS? What do they do every day?
Middlecoin continues to three-hole-rape EAC unabated, causing 30 minutes coin freezes, 3m block times, excessive supply, and dissolved interest in 2x and 5x.
The EAC reddit is a ghost town, the EAC thread here is nearly so. EarthCoinTalk is bs and should be closed, we need an official main thread on a major, higher-traffic site like CryptoCoinTalk.
We have no new expansion to various nations exchanges, little to gift to with our foundation, little proof that anything about this coin is any more than an elaborate scam.
That, or like the pirates of Nassau, the devs bit off more than they could chew and we are ****** anyways. If they all have family, jobs, etc they have to manage, gg close, EAC.
My current 2 cents.
EDIT: Sorry if I come on rough, but sometimes it's what is needed. Serious lagging has robbed EAC of it's best time of life for spreading interest, the first month of it's life. Now with 2x/5x being .2x/.05x, too...sigh.
Thanks for the in depth critique Anubite. So what exactly is it that you find to be bs about Earthcointalk that warrants it's closure? The low traffic? I will have to say that I have put a lot of work into the site and actually care a great deal about how it is ran. So, if you have some constructive criticism or a good reason why I should consider closing it please let me know. If you know a way to drive more traffic to the site, or increase interest, send me a message and we can talk about it.
Update: I have also taken a few days off from my regular job to finish up
Earthazaar.com and launch it this weekend. What I haven't announced is that I am also testing integrating an auction into the site. I don't know of any other alt-coins that have multi-merchant store-fronts
and public auctions combined into one site (there may be but I don't know about them.) I am hoping this site is the start of an economic infrastructure for Earthcoin. I wish I could accomplish these things in a few days or a couple weeks, but all this takes time....