Heh, where did all of these new naysayers come from? Collaborated effort I see, I've never seen any of you in here, and then suddenly we get a bunch of people with nothing good to say.
Anyone watching the network hashrate? Miners are leaving it. So far this shitcoin.....up to the next one.
You're exactly the kind of person we've been talking about. Absolutely no belief in a coin because to you, every altcoin is a weekly dump to recoup short term mining costs, not an investment. The LTC argument is weak because LTC is an altcoin just like the rest with no special qualities, it's just happened to be in front longer. That doesn't make it THE coin, it's one of many, and can be de-valued just like anything else.
Welcome to the business of cryptocurrency. Devs in it for long game who continue to support development around a coin will see it rise.
Really Mr Minerman? You wonder where all the naysayers come from after reading some of the vitriol and hatred you spewed at me, a miner who wanted to make a profit?? I think I might be able to shed some light on where all the naysayers came from. They were always here, they were just like me, miners who wanted to be able to sell at a profit so they can pay the mining electric bill and some return on equipment costs. They watched as you and your cohorts tore into me, calling me a loser and an idiot, asking if I bet the farm on crypto all because I expect mining to pay for itself.
They watched as people said anyone who just wants to mine and sell is basically a lowdown tree killing, vege hating piece of trash. You and people like you, a group of shortsighted nitwits decided to hijack earthcoin from the dev's original vision and turn it into a green earth, tree hugging, carrot growing, profit hating, miner dumping haters ALL WHILE ALL THESE NAYSAYERS WATCHED!!!!
I knew we were in trouble the minute the dev of this coin said he wasn't sure he liked the idea of people pushing for cryptsy early on. OMG, THAT is when I signed up for my forum account, after lurking for so long I simply had to voice my opinion a bad move, such a shortsighted coin killing move. It was a bad move. But people here, in their feverish pitch to plant trees, grow carrots, feed elephants, deliver meals to god knows where, (and has even one stinking tree been planted yet??) stoned me to death in the town square for daring to say I was only in it for the profit, and had no interest in growing vegetables, how dare I say I expected a profit for mining this coin!!!
I don't know about you tree huggers in here, but when I think about mining a new coin or investing in one, I read that forum for that coin. I look to see the mood in it, I was surprised that you treehuggers/minerdumpinghaters in here were so willing to beat to death a miner of this coin, who without people like myself would die, and it is.
This group of vege/treeplanters/greenearthers took over this coin and you turned it into this greenearth mandate. The dev didn't start out that way, you have even changed the logo into your greenearth one. I see it on coinmarketcap, he had a logo he liked and you forced him to change it, to fall in line with this coin being a profit free green coin.
The dev himself asked me what my beef was, did he tell this group of frothing idiots to back off miners who were mining his coin for making a profit, NO, he lent his support to the haters of miners. NOW YOUR COIN IS DYING.
@coingirl, please be real, I am sorry you bought at 450, if you had read what I posted in here many posts ago, you would have seen I predicted cryptsy would get it to 400 and then it would fall back to the low 200's. Then I predicted it would fall to 170 or so by thursday, I was wrong, we hit that yesterday. I further predicted we would hit 150 in a week, we hit that yesterday, again I was wrong. THIS COIN WILL NEVER BE 450 AGAIN yet alone 800. Believe me. There is nothing, no reason for it to go there. We are heading sub 100 very soon.
I was mocked and told I had the mentality of a 16 year old for thinking price falling was bad and that price going up is good. WHAT!!!?? Yes, I do think that, so to the mental midgets who said that, do you still think market value going down is good? I don't, I guess I have a 16 year old mentality, wth is yours?
? The main theme in here is price is of no issue, we do not care about getting on cryptsy or making a profit, we only care about vegetables and greenearth crap. Greenearth crap is great, just not in a crypto at this time whenmost all of us WANT PROFIT, WE LOVE PROFIT, PROFIT IS GOOD THING, PRICE GOING UP IS GOOD, That is my motto, sorry I picked the wrong coin. This coin is dying, you waited too long to get it on cryptsy, you bashed miners who want to make a profit. YOU TREEHUGGERS, PROFIT HATERS, AND SHORTSIGHTED DEV, YOU KILLED THIS THING.